Example sentences of "and see if i " in BNC.

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1 Already , and it is hardly May , I have wandered down to the County Ground at Taunton to see old chums , and some not so old , and to see if I any longer belong .
2 If you 've got something I can put the water in I 'll go and see if I can get some for you , ’ Maggie offered .
3 All right : let's go and see if I can help them get in .
4 ‘ You stay here and think it over quietly — ’ he put another glass of wine in her hand — ‘ and I 'll go and see if I can get rid of the remaining folks . ’
5 Shall I go and see if I can find her ? "
6 Afterwards , George asked me to come down and see if I could talk some sense into you .
7 ‘ I 'd best go down and see if I can help , I suppose . ’
8 No , I mean , there 's nothing to stop him arresting more British people , or er , any nationality , come to that , and saying well , they did stray into our territory , I 'm sorry about this , but er , we ca n't have that sort of thing , you 'll have to er , come and see if I want to release them in a few months .
9 I expressed my gratitude , but explained to the Queen that I must ask leave to go away and see if I could form an administration .
10 ' I 'll go and see if I can arrange some transport , ’ said Tuppe .
11 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
12 ‘ I 'll go and see if I can find her , ’ said Mrs Wimbush .
13 I 'll just nip back and see if I can get the thing .
14 Oh I 'll pick them up if you like , cos I 'm gon na go and see if I can get my shoes
15 See the thing is , what they 've said to me , because I 've been away now for nearly two years erm I 'd have to go back and do all the training again , which is a bit of a pain but its not too bad because I 've done it before sort of thing , she said to me oh yeah when you go I , I might come along and see if I like it , and we can do the training together she said , I manage to put her off that idea , manage to talk her out of that .
16 Well do you think you could pop upstairs and look and see if I 've got by any chance have
17 Well , as John Major would say , you 'll have to wait and see if I may say so .
18 If you like I 'll ask around back at the church and see if I can find out what 's on offer . ’
19 Then if he still has not come out of the tent I will go down there while it is still light , very quietly , and see if I can see , without getting too close , how he is .
20 Perhaps I 'll go for a walk in the forest and see if I can sort something out . ’
21 I 'll go out today and see if I can find a new daddy then , shall I ?
22 I 'll just drive it for week and see if I like it .
23 Test me in this , ’ says the Lord Almighty , ‘ and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it .
24 No matter , it was a wild weekend , and some time soon I 'll return to the scene of the crime and see if I can make the princely pond a home fit for a frog .
25 But learning things in the hotel room and trying them out on stage the next night leaves it fresh , but gives me room to interject new ideas and see if I can pull them off or not .
26 I decided to return to the jetty and see if I could store them overnight .
27 ‘ While you 're gone I 'll make some calls and see if I can track down a crystal , ’ she said firmly .
28 ‘ While you 're gone I 'll make some calls and see if I can track down a crystal , ’ she said firmly .
29 Get yourself down those steps , and see if I can follow you . ’
30 draw a line of vowels and see if I mate a make a word or something .
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