Example sentences of "and who [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Most people who have testicular cancer and who are treated for it and cured go on to lead perfectly active normal lives as far as having children is concerned .
2 The importance of these sources of income has implications for the income in old age of men and women who are now in their fifties and who are faced with long-term unemployment or early retirement .
3 The starting point for the three readings that follow is the increased numbers of children under 5 whose parents both work , and who are cared for outside the family ( whether in a day nursery or with a child minder ) for a major part of the day ( 25 per cent of children under 5 in the United Kingdom had working mothers in 1976 , although only a small proportion of these were working full-time ) .
4 Students who are nationals of one of the member states of the European Community ( other than the United Kingdom ) and who are accepted on undergraduate courses at the University of Ulster will , in most cases , be eligible to receive a mandatory award to cover the payment of fees .
5 This can enable those who , because of mental illness , may pose a significant risk to their own health or safety or the safety of other people and who are limited in self-awareness , to accept treatment or care , whether or not including medication .
6 There are then the tinkers , who normally come from Ireland and who are engaged in business on a large scale , whether its tarmacking , or metal business , or dealing in furniture and antiques , and the third group who are the drop outs of society who have decided to move around all the time and they do n't care where they move from one place to another however much they inconvenience anybody else .
7 There also exist private day-care facilities and child minders who provide a comparable service and who are registered and inspected by social services departments .
8 Double discrimination is experienced by older disabled people whose needs are not acknowledged and who are denied access to benefits available to younger people .
9 A distinction is sought to be drawn between the staff included in clause 1 of section 34 ( being those also falling within section 35 and who are appointed until a fixed age ) and staff not so appointed to whom section 34(3) applies and who may be dismissed on the notice period specified in their letter of appointment .
10 Newbolt 's attitude is still very common — not only among the British ( especially those who have come under the influence of F. R. Leavis ) , but also among American free versifiers who think they are an avantgarde and who are muddled enough to think that they have Pound 's authority to back them .
11 There undoubtedly are cases of parents who exaggerate their child 's ills , and who are determined to blame them on some physical cause , when family .
12 So if you want to know more about Michael Chang , or indeed any of the players who have fan club services and who are listed on the opposite page , then do n't delay .
13 Those who have become pregnant are treated as children who have made mistakes , and who are assumed to make inadequate mothers , which is patronising and wrong .
14 Having well-informed patients who have more control over their care , and who are helped to retain independence is good for quality and is also cost-effective .
15 The long-term trend towards greater equality of income and wealth has been reversed under the Conservative governments of 1979 onwards and it is argued that this ‘ strategy of inequality ’ ( Child Poverty Action Group ) , which is seen as a direct consequence of the drive towards popular capitalism , has led to a major increase in poverty in the UK and to the possible emergence of an underclass , who lack any stake in popular capitalism and who are caught in the dependency culture .
16 People who are used to having responsible jobs at home or in the office and who are known to be good managers and organizers can not understand why suddenly the simplest task seems to be beyond them , and this makes them feel out of control and very unsafe .
17 The Defence Minister , Mr Ferenc Karpati , told the Hungarian parliament that the troops used were not from the regular army but from the Securitate secret police , whose uniforms are similar and who are equipped with tanks and sophisticated weapons .
18 Groups demand illusions , not truth , and Freud links this with his observations of neurotics whose mental life has a predominance of phantasy material and who are guided by psychological rather than objective reality .
19 If you doubt this , think of those patients who have slipped into a coma and who are awakened when those who love them have spent time with them , talking to them , touching them , playing their favourite music .
20 Those who , day by day , show regular habits and who are subjected to these external influences in a regular way possess body clocks that are more accurately adjusted to 24 hours than do those whose life-style is less regular ( see fig. 2.4 and pp. 97–99 , for example ) .
21 Thus a program was written which , given a suggested set of grade boundaries , would evaluate their effects in terms of : ( i ) the numbers of staff by " before " and " after " grade ; ( ii ) the overall percentage upgrading and downgrading ; ( iii ) the percentage changes by grade ( that is the percentage of staff in each " before " grade who are upgraded , who remain the same grade and who are downgraded ) .
22 A principal role should be undertaken by staff directly involved with and who are experienced in dealing with , elderly groups .
23 Candidates with the necessary qualifications and experience and who are attracted to career opportunities with a company offering competitive conditions , employment with a friendly working atmosphere and in an attractive location , are invited to apply by forwarding a CV or completed application form ( phone 021– ) before February 28 , 1991 :
24 There are , however , many newcomers who intend to stay permanently in the village and who are attracted , at least in part , by the very prospect of living in a ‘ real community ’ .
25 RSVP — Automatically tract meeting attendees via an RSVP function , indicate who 's coming and who 's declined , as well as a list of who has n't seen the notification yet .
26 And who 's finished up the better off ?
27 In particular Amer Midani , the United director who has a 15 per cent holding and who is believed to be waiting to buy Edwards 's stake .
28 It is probably a conflation of the Bladud legend with that of Simon Magus who appears in the canonical Acts of the Apostles and the apocryphal Acts of Peter and who is credited with being the first teacher of the Gnostic heresy .
29 However in the light of the subsequent prosecution appeal to the House of Lords and the doubt discussed above concerning whether the non-certified points of appeal could have been raised there , B's position was tantamount to a person who loses on the one point of appeal judicially addressed and who is given no answer to his remaining points of appeal .
30 In that fascinating passage in Romans 8:9–11 Paul recognises ‘ the Spirit of God ’ from Old Testament days to be none other than ‘ the Spirit of Christ ’ , the Spirit who indwelt Christ and who is given us from Christ .
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