Example sentences of "and get he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We put a props man in the back and got him to pump out cement powder . ’
2 You 've caught his interest and got him involved by deeds more than words .
3 They must 've got the idea from that , called Dave Tanner and got him to set you up …
4 We put a few records on the jukebox and got him to mime along .
5 So I drove up to Illinois , where Ray was living at the time , and got him to build me one .
6 Regretfully , he had to let it all pass ; he knew such behaviour would have created a bad impression with editors and got him laughed at — the thing he most feared .
7 She sent Midnight to the end of the rein and got him trotting .
8 But the Hank in his mind , the one who calmed him down and cheered him up and got him going in a sensible way — she was just the sort of fantasy mother you 'd make up if your own mother was too strong , too passionate , too overwhelming .
9 They rushed him through to Resus , and got him going again , and while Kathleen put the monitor leads on Jack checked him for injuries and ordered X-rays .
10 At the sermon , Father McKenna introduced one of his altar boys , Colm by name , and got him to tell the story about how he and his altar boy teammates had recently beaten another altar boys ' team by eight goals to five .
11 ‘ That was all rather spectacular , ’ he said , as we sat him up and got him to sip some rum .
12 And the doctor went up to see the old man and got him put in a hospital and that , in a mental hospital , for six weeks , right .
13 ‘ What , like me posing as a beautiful heiress and getting him to fall madly in love with me , then dumping him ? ’
14 I did n't hang about getting to Armstrong and getting him started and headed back to Plumstead Road .
15 Take him away and get him to do as he says .
16 And get him to take out a party . ’
17 They must carbon-date it and put it under the microscope , and we must examine Aziz carefully and get him to say where he found it .
18 Now all she had to do was go and see Father McCormack and get him to sort out her Michael and she would be happy .
19 And get him to sort that out once and for all !
20 ‘ Then I 'm going to bring him straight back here and get him to arrest you .
21 ‘ I 'll finish his bed and get him to lie on his side to make it easy for thee .
22 I 'll be sure and get him to call you tomorrow .
23 Now perhaps you would like to go to your GP in the normal way and get him to deal with your throat . ’
24 And get him to carry it .
25 of course he got all upset so she had to then mess about and try and get him to sleep , which apparently she did
26 ‘ Under normal circumstances , ’ said Charles gently , ‘ you 'd go to your agent and get him to complain to the management . ’
27 So if you let me take a copy , I 'll give that lease you signed to my company solicitor and get him to go through it with a magnifying glass .
28 If the Bosnian Serbs decided to sign , Lord Owen would jump in a car , meet Mr Karadzic on the motorway , and get him to put his signature on the document , possibly in a toll booth .
29 Curtis telephoned the seamen 's shelter and asked somebody to find Titch and get him to ring back .
30 ‘ The days must go when they can wake up a judge at dead of night , give him a drop of brandy , show him a headline from The Sun and get him to sign an injunction , ’ Mr Todd said .
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