Example sentences of "and all that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 so she said I , I went in and I said to Geraldine I 'm going I owe you any bloody money take the bugger out me wages , she says I ai n't having people that I like being stabbed like that by people like that , she said she ai n't worth the salt of the earth , she 's the salt of the earth she said with people like that pointing to Jenny and Jane , no way , she said and I 'm going with my mates , I turned round and the next thing Janet and Janet and Barbara in there , when we got up the pub at twelve o'clock , course we were all having sandwiches me and Pam got the , me and er Barb got there , then Pam come in then a few more come and erm then the plumber and all that come in with them and I said oh girls we never clocked out , so I said oh well I 'm gon na have to take my key back to Steve , burst out laughing , so I said oh no I said why do n't we have a key cracking competition so of course that 's what we did we all took our keys out of our bag and we went ready for she 's a jolly good ready , steady , fellow , for she 's go and we cracked these ruddy keys and shoved them up in the air
2 The immigrant ship to South Africa , and all that followed , was still in the womb of time ; but at that moment I resolved that though I would grieve for Leslie for the rest of my life , I would yet to go forward , lighting my way by the torch of the incandescent spirit .
3 He sat back and let the DDA give a full report , including the trip to the voodoo ceremony and all that followed .
4 He played Henry V in February 1949 on his beloved BBC radio , the home of the Word and poetry and all that mattered .
5 Leila settled to tell him the story of Nathan 's condition and all that had happened at the farm , with certain omissions .
6 Sydney said that he was very pleased that someone should want to take the time , money and effort to operate a Great War aerodrome and expressed his thanks to Torquil , Vic and all that had made it possible …
7 Madame then settled back in her seat and fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the journey , full of good food and wine , and liqueurs , while Ellie stared back out of the window and tried to make some sense of all that had just been said , and all that had just happened .
8 Just what Preston wanted , in his current state of vulnerability , with every nerve raw from the break-up of his marriage and all that had contributed to it .
9 Anne claimed Joe to talk to him about the books she had read and all that had happened to her since he went away , and Terry and Stephen wanted to talk to him about football and their latest craze , greyhound racing .
10 It had been such a good idea and all that had resulted from it was a double punishment for her and a complete failure to make anyone believe to Alicia or Daryl had played the trick .
11 equipment and all that had they ?
12 When Mr Ramsay died in 1943 the Leaders paid tribute to one who was greatly loved : ‘ Testimony was given to his worth and zeal in the work and all that pertained to the welfare of the church , and particularly to his services in the choir and his love for the weekly prayer meeting . ’
13 AND ALL THAT made it a busy year for Autocar & Motor .
14 However , Pakistan have , in my opinion , paid for the Gatting/Rana affair and all that went with it in 1987 .
15 ‘ I do n't want to think about that , I do n't want to look at the actual scene , I 've got over it , have n't I ? … the way she died … and all that went before .
16 The hospital and all that went with it had been such an oasis in the alarming wilderness of doing everything for , and chiefly by , myself ; now it came to the point of leaving it , I was scared .
17 1988 , etc. ) , there was a tendency to acquiesce in this conventional wisdom and all that went with it : the reduction of what ought to be a complex and multi-faceted debate to the simple adversarialism of ‘ formal ’ versus ‘ informal ’ , ‘ didactic ’ versus ‘ exploratory ’ , teacher as ‘ instructor ’ versus teacher as ‘ facilitator ’ , rote learning versus ‘ discovery ’ , ‘ subjects ’ versus ‘ integration ’ , class teaching versus group work , ‘ traditional ’ versus ‘ progressive ’ , ‘ bad practice ’ versus ‘ good ’ .
18 The Thaxted tradition which he established consisted of three features : firstly , a very thoroughgoing Christian socialism ; secondly , a marked attention to music and all that went with it ; and thirdly , a liturgiological care for distinctively English medieval antecedents .
19 But he had remembered — the name and all that went with it .
20 And all that let me tell you after Pisa looked so dangerous in the first eight minutes , clearly they 'd come out looking for the early goal themselves , and who was badly fouled by in the early stages and needed attention , he 's the number eight , and the number eleven , who looks as quick as any player I 've seen in ages and ages , they are the two danger men and they will need some marking .
21 Even major institutions with developing reputations were unsuccessful in their first-time submissions — and this was bound to be particularly true in arts and social studies where members were anxious to ensure appropriate standards of course content and all that related to it — including staffing and other resources .
22 There would be a fire in the grass on the dunes , or a plane would have crashed , and all that stopped the cordite in the cellar from going up would be me diverting some of the water from a dam system down a channel and into the house .
23 She would n't pay for them because th the plastic and all that started splitting and
24 Shelford was at full throttle and all that stood in his way to a four pointer was the frail-looking frame of Roebuck .
25 THE Midland Bank , like the girl in the story , agreed the principle and all that remained to be fixed were the terms .
26 Lastly , all that Louis IX abandoned in favour of Henry III — his fiefs and domains in Limousin , Quercy , and Périgord ( the so-called ‘ three dioceses ’ ) and all that remained to the Plantagenets of the ancient duchy of Aquitaine — was to be held by the king of England as an hereditary fief .
27 Throwing back his head , he looked for the last time at the cloud-torn sky , and begged the Lord to watch over them and keep them safe ; and then he was gone , and all that remained was the surging waves and the cold , white crests of foam .
28 ‘ Oh , you know about the wine sales and all that do you ?
29 But her voice seemed to have been swept overboard somewhere in mid-voyage , and all that emerged was a croak .
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