Example sentences of "and say [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes I stop a total stranger in the street And say to him : Let's do that one more time , But this time walk past slower , with a limp , Or smiling to yourself , as one gone mad .
2 I may go to my son 's room and say to him : ‘ Since today is a special day you may play in my study while I work there . ’
3 But what they have done is something quite unprecedented in my view and that is to actually write to the Secretary of State and say to him do not exercise your rights to call this matter in to consider beside or above th the County Planning Authority .
4 If any of the you , I challenge to go to your bank manager tomorrow , and say to him , I 've had a heart attack , I 'm not going to pay my loan of a hundred thousand pounds .
5 and say to him so and so and so and so he 'd always answer back and say I want to do it this way
6 Yes but I mean how you say if they 'd played their cards right , but are you saying just go down there and say to him ‘ get off ? ’
7 Then he goes to my neighbour and says to him : ‘ Joseph has some good horses .
8 I remember walking up the fairway and saying to him , ‘ You 're not that good ! ’
9 Then he called for Alvar Fañez and said unto him , Cousin , the poor have no part in the wrong which the King hath done us ; see now that no wrong be done unto them along our road : and he called for his horse .
10 But Karajan 's will was superhuman where music is concerned and he always had in his hand a trump card : a capacity for inner detachment that left him free of bitterness or rancour for all that has been written and said about him over the years .
11 Cameron pretended not to see young Donald till he was close beside him , then turned in mock surprise and said to him , ‘ Well well , Donald — we had given you up .
12 One day after a very difficult time with him , I exploded and said to him : ‘ I ca n't say that the Christian faith has made much difference to your life ! ’
13 That model worked comfortably , so she used it and said to him , ‘ Tell me about myself . ’
14 ‘ Goodnight , O , ’ and then she turned suddenly to Boy and said to him , very pointedly :
15 I sat him up , and said to him in a new voice that he was not to try and move without me .
16 Or had she just seen him one day , walking around the suburb where he had been born , and said to him , in that sharp voice she used for all commands : ‘ Marry Me ! ’
17 Some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him , ‘ You must get out of here and go somewhere else , because Herod wants to kill you ’ ( Luke 13:31 ) .
18 She looked at them indulgently , saw at once that they were nothing notable , and said to him straight away that they would not do .
19 As he moved towards the table Joe noticed that , although they had been bidden to take their seats , neither Mrs Carver , nor Mick , nor Carrie did until Mr Carver was seated ; then , each pulling a chair out from under the table , they sat down ; and having done so , Mick pointed to a carved chair with a leather seat and said to him , ‘ Come , sit down .
20 He too seemed to feel some sense of strain , for he was too busy avoiding people to talk to her much ; when he trod , helplessly , for the fifth time upon her foot , she stopped still , and said to him , lightly , and with a sense of great daring ,
21 So as soon as the farmer 's back was turned he slipped a shilling into the old boy 's palm — six pints o' beer at that time o' day' — and said to him : just yew have a go at it now , bo' . ’
22 She seized the astonished man by the shoulder and said to him , ‘ Never , ever say that again ! ’ .
23 There had been noisy , angry scenes and in the end a member of Chamberlain 's own party stood up and said to him , ‘ Depart , I say , and let us have done with you .
24 It came to pass that when the Lord had ascended from the water , the whole fountain of the Holy Spirit descended and rested upon him , and said to him , ‘ My Son , in all the prophets I looked for thee , that thou mightest come and I might rest in thee ; for thou art my rest , thou art my Son , my first-born , who art king for evermore . ’
25 It is said , the son had a right to an equal distribution of his father 's property , and did complain to his father because he had not had an equal share , and said to him , I will cease to complain if you will not sue upon this note .
26 I went down to the floor and said to him : ‘ Come into the control room and I 'll play you both ‘ takes ’ , with all their faults and imperfections .
27 Well the Solicitors turned round and said to him that there 's a twenty five per cent chance he 'll lose his licence , but then he 'll get there erm , but most he 'll probably get is about a month , and then he said , well surely your job could find you something to do in that time , has said , no licence , no job , so what he had to do was to .
28 And they awoke him and said to him , teacher do you not care that we are perishing ?
29 There you 've heard allegations from Les , you should have gone down there and said to him ‘ get off . ’
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