Example sentences of "and would you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 and would you think that was six o'clock again or would you like to make
2 And would you want about four or five dozen ?
3 And would you do the lottery ?
4 And would you go for a bus ride followed by a longish walk to take the fatal dose in a little hut in the middle of nowhere ? ’
5 And would you appear in them ?
6 And would you miss this ? ’ he whispered in her ear , his breath tickling her .
7 And would you give me points out of ten for how I get into this okay ?
8 And would you eat leftovers from from the from the mai the master 's food ?
9 Is your hair short/fine/dull and would you love it to be long/thick/glossy ?
10 I 'll see this little bit then I 'll go and finish that ironing and would you record er Watchdog for me ?
11 And would you switch off it 's Eastenders .
12 No. 45 Royal Marine Commando have been enquiring about you and would you pay them a visit either this evening or tomorrow evening . ’
13 Well if the Conservatives got in would you cut back the money allocated to recreation and would you cut back on the recreation services ?
14 And would you ask him some questions ? ’
15 And would you know his date of birth offhand ?
16 Donald came down two hours ago , and would you believe it , Bisset will not come to marry them . ’
17 And would you believe it ? we came face to face with the McNabs .
18 I drove and would you believe , my ball hit the marker and bounced back .
19 Our old mates THE ORB popped round to Vibes central control the other day for tea and spacecakes and a quick intergalactic natter , and somehow they just happened to leave a whole box of ORB window stickers in the VIBES record cupboard — and would you believe it just as they were about to leave we could n't find the key ?
20 And would you believe me , young man , if I told you I descended from the Emperor Carlo Quinto ? ’
21 ‘ Every Irish kid is reared on Field nocturnes , ’ he says , ‘ and would you believe , there 's a nun in Dundalk who claims to have uncovered the source of every one of his folk melodies . ’
22 Er so Geoff has really put all that together fr er and Seth Captain Seth is the Titan One Project Officer for the memorial and would you believe it or not , he 's already ha secured a Titan missile and two rocket engines for it .
23 just a little shop they were five pound ninety five and I 've been paying seventeen pounds and would you believe they 're made in England ?
24 He just said , ‘ Come away in , Sharon , and would you like a wee sherry ? ’
25 ‘ It just said : ‘ Are you mature , are you over 25 , have you studied recently and would you like to come to Oxford University ? ’ , ’
26 And would you like to be in that jungle ?
27 because er there were n't all that many er available , what , what do you think of , twenty one of you said yes , of the twenty one who said yes are you surprised that the great majority of this hundred women are so unimpressed by , by the courts system , who said yes and would you like to defend your answer ? , yes
28 And would you like to ?
29 And would you like to have it again ?
30 me as well actually I did one of your tricks Sue I mean we 'd done something I mean is it Li Liz went in and said , and would you like to report Tony on what you 've discussed , and I just spoke he never even got a got chance to say one other sentence I 'm just doing a .
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