Example sentences of "and would [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Those visitors of hers always make such a lot of noise ! ’ could mean that the old gentleman wants to take his nap ; but it could also mean he feels left out and would welcome something to do .
2 It may be local and would welcome you .
3 Labour says that it will reverse every step that the Government have taken to protect businesses , and would leave them to the mercy of Labour 's own local councils .
4 He still liked to come down for meals but often could n't last out and would leave his food and return .
5 My constituents saw him as a responsible Government officer who came to the House to say that the Government washed their hands of the matter and would leave it alone .
6 She knew her sons and would bet her last pound that Geoffrey had been awake waiting for something like this .
7 Next day Balcha sent a force to escort my father to the town : my mother , who was pregnant and tired , remained in camp — and would regret it all her life .
8 Shortly afterwards at another meeting , Mr. Fairbank said , in response to a letter from the Ministry of Health suggesting that the vaccination officer should be paid a fixed salary , that ‘ the time had come when Whitehall had to be told that the local authorities were going to stop being ciphers , and would exercise their own judgement .
9 He said he would and would advise them strongly to support me .
10 I refer to your interview today for the above appointment and would advise you that , after careful consideration , the Sub-Committee has decided to recommend to the Regional Council that be appointed to the post .
11 The system was ‘ crazy ’ and would do nothing to help struggling publicans , he said .
12 by the late Seventies it was generally acknowledged that a funding system partially dependent on the departments would be unlikely to assure speedy progress towards a comprehensive service in the sector and would do nothing to reduce the substantial regional inequalities in the distribution of extra hospital facilities .
13 As I wrote to you at the time ( since you refused even then to see me or any of your old friends and supporters ) I accepted the MS as a sacred trust and would do what I could to see that it eventually saw the light of day in the most appropriate form .
14 Since paraprofessional social welfare personnel are an important resource for meeting people 's needs , one would assume that policy makers , social service administrators and professional social workers would view them in this light and would do what they could to support and develop this valuable resource .
15 Just the same , she had made a promise and would do what she could to keep it .
16 The mare trusted Nails and would do anything he asked .
17 Nevertheless we crave it and would do anything for it .
18 ‘ I 've had her two and a half years and would do anything to defend her . ’
19 Family grief : ‘ We talk about Danny a lot and would do anything to prevent another child dying in the same way ’
20 Well we played Monday , and would do anything to have 's greens .
21 Miss Macdonald , who had known the Stavanger family for most of her life , said that Andrew was devoted to his daughter and would do anything for her .
22 Perhaps Grimm devoutly wished that joking was possible in the circumstances ; and would do his best to make it so .
23 Mr Churchill caused Gallipoli , and would do it all again .
24 And then I had tried harder and harder to obtain opiates and would do my damnedest to get hold of morphine , opium , diamorph and anything , y'know … .
25 As for the UK situation , the Shipping Federation had plenty of free labour , while the union had no funds and would think itself fortunate if it could keep the men out for a week or two .
26 They all fancied him and would think his wife must be a monster .
27 They say that aside from getting a few noses out of joint at Microsoft Corp , enough people felt BillyGram was a silly name and would prevent it from being taken seriously .
28 ‘ He went back and they said , Yes , he could have it , and their horse and trolley was going round there at a certain date and would deliver it .
29 If any reader had found any items relating to the Bristol and Gloucestershire volunteers of any period , I should be most interested to hear from them , and would give what advice I could .
30 It allows the lining of the womb to return to normal , and would give her some idea of how long her menstrual cycle was .
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