Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] they " in BNC.

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1 Olson suggests that these organizations are sometimes artificial creations required by governments to provide them with a representative body they can negotiate with .
2 By their nature as a sticky substance they are not suitable to use in very hot weather .
3 We had always said if they had the chance of a private eduction they should have it .
4 He asked his Chairman for a private chat they retired to the gents and Gould who had no contract said he was finished .
5 I often hear and read stories of anglers spending weeks on end in search of Fenland zander with very little to show for it and yet with a little thought they could be catching on a regular basis .
6 At first sight these symbols look very formidable , but with a little practice they can be mastered and understood .
7 The diary of a Middlesex parson , the Rev B.J. Armstrong , shows us what a devastating effect they were having as early as the 1830s .
8 But if if we find anybody 's a persistent discounter they 're causing trouble for the person who comes to resell .
9 When approached by a possible killer they hide their real heads and raise up the tips of their tails .
10 Downwind or on a broad reach they are magnificent craft , but upwind sailing is definitely not their strong suit .
11 Sighing helplessly , she 'd merely said , ‘ If you do n't give these girls a terrific reference they 're likely to turn around and sue you in the courts for defamation of character ! ’
12 For a differential drill they are placed side by side and drilled across to highlight the difference between them .
13 ( When notes are close together in a low register they sound crude and clumsy , and fail to give a good bass to the harmony .
14 Double-handed weapons are a good option because Ogres have such a low initiative they usually end up striking last anyway .
15 When Insurers settle a total loss they acquire two types of rights — the entitlement to take over the Policyholder 's interest in the subject matter insured , and all the Policyholder 's rights and remedies in respect of the casualty which caused the loss .
16 Unlike a normal congregation they can reach out a hand , twirl a knob and obliterate the message .
17 Since such orders are not the product of a directing intelligence they can not be said to have a particular purpose .
18 They only used to ever lock the door from the outside and er I er had to make er fifty and as I say , number them one up to fifty and er then they 'd perhaps on a odd occasion they sent me an order for one , the number the number
19 Though the incidence of Becker is only one tenth that of Duchenne muscular dystrophy , the three families who refused a biopsy did so on the grounds that while they accepted their son had a muscular dystrophy they preferred to live in the hope that it might be Becker and so chose not to complete the diagnostic process .
20 But governments now believe that if they are to tackle new subjects at a European level they must tighten their control .
21 Agonists are substances which are so similar to a specific neurotransmitter they can occupy that neurotransmitter 's receptor perfectly .
22 Imagine , because they were a lower grade they 'd meant nothing you see .
23 When faced with a confusing situation they usually just switch off .
24 Of course , under a Labour Government they would be paying more anyway , because the Labour party proposes to undermine the contributory principle further by extending the 9 per cent .
25 The mass of people of all classes of society , except for the Earl 's house guests , moved off towards the exits , and a sorry sight they were .
26 paid but if you had a complete attendance they gave you the money back for your self which was quite er a good thing in these days when a a tanner was a tanner .
27 When children come into a strange house they are often a little shy , so give them a warm welcome .
28 For the trade unions to buck existing laws ( eg. to cut off supplies to the factory ) would involve them in a political struggle they do not have the strength or will to win — against the government , against the employers , against ‘ public opinion ’ .
29 During moments of acute royal weakness they tried to re-establish their influence , but as a political force they were clearly in decline .
30 The principal adviser said that any factual errors would be put right as a matter of course and if there was a professional disagreement they could perhaps discuss how to change the wording of the report .
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