Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Bring a red biro and a see-through bag for your map .
2 Roberta Junk do sound like a wacky tip for the top !
3 Roberta Junk do sound like a wacky tip for the top !
4 BRITAIN 'S fifth-biggest life insurer , Scottish Widows , has been fined a whacking £120,000 for selling insurance policies to people who did n't need them .
5 ‘ On the subject of young girls and money , Mr Vigo has sent a whacking bill for your daughter 's tooth . ’
6 It hardly matters , given the man ; the essence , his core , a sly pederast ( Parker was a regular subscriber to magazines entitled such as Boy and Superboy , Kim and Pim ) ; he thought it best , and he felt safer ( it was his constant dread that the magazines — delivered from an English P.O. box number — should go adrift or burst in transit ) that as a cover-up he acted crude ; and he did it so well ( it might be a hateful zest for what he could not have ) that you would have never thought .
7 PRESIDING over the collapse of one of America 's largest newspapers has been a humbling experience for the Tribune Company , a Chicago-based media group that is proud of its reputation for tough management .
8 In a theoretical treatment Woods ( 1982 ) divides migration theory into the attitudes and behaviour of both individuals and groups , and then proposes a three-fold structure for integrating theories of migration : First , the theories must have the ability to understand the ways in which individuals form images of their worlds , how they assess those images and then decide whether to migrate or not .
9 Although each version is intended to serve pedagogical needs , neither one provides a pedagogically-based rationale for the selection of themes that it proposes .
10 Benson reached out a grateful hand for a glass that Jenkins had brought .
11 Even the local cats were , without exception , well-fed and cared for , and there was n't a needy creature for miles round .
12 Nalgo general secretary Alan Jinkinson said : ‘ This is a historic day for our three unions , for the trade union movement and for Britain 's cash-starved public services . ’
13 to the British summer game next … cricket … and a historic day for the City of Hereford … for the first time ever Herefordshire are playing in the Minor Counties League … they opened their innings against Devon today
14 In a statement on June 21 Ahmed Jabril 's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command described the US decision as " a historic opportunity for the PLO to conduct a stringent , critical review of its policies " and called on Arafat to return to the policy of armed struggle .
15 Although modest in scope and requiring Senate and presidential approval before becoming effective , the legislation — known as the " Brady bill " — was of the utmost symbolic importance in that it represented a historic defeat for the National Rifle Association ( NRA ) , one of the country 's most powerful interest groups .
16 The irony of Buchanan 's attack on ‘ Hooligan Imperialism ’ was that one important way in which the Hooligan figured within the troubled preoccupations of his contemporaries was precisely as a fighting-fit recruit for the imperial armies .
17 It 's a downhill race for cover
18 Mulching is a pleasant activity for October .
19 A pleasant surprise for you , I imagine , President , ’ he said .
20 Still , the $1.38 a share for the quarter was a pleasant surprise for most analysts , whose estimates ranged from $1.10 a share to $1.35 .
21 Still , the $1.38 a share for the quarter was a pleasant surprise for most analysts , whose estimates ranged from $1.10 a share to $1.35 .
22 They began with Haydn 's Cello Concerto , which was a pleasant surprise for me as I had heard the piece only a week or two before at a concert of Mozart and Haydn 's music featuring Camerata and had liked the piece very much .
23 The dinner was a pleasant opportunity for members to catch up with each other 's news .
24 It 's not a pleasant experience for anyone to be pelted with stones by children .
25 It 'll be a pleasant outing for us all . ’
26 The airport duties made a pleasant change for a few of our lads , and one of them was offered a helicopter flight to the rigs one day .
27 He said work had just begun on the Rockwell site where landscaping and planting should encourage wildlife and provide a pleasant outlook for people living on the nearby new housing estate .
28 Within easy reach of the town centre and on a frequent bus route , Wexford House stands in a large garden which will afford a pleasant area for future residents .
29 Within each reach of the town centre and on a frequent bus route , Wexford House stands in a large garden which will afford a pleasant area for future residents .
30 The grey-leaved Helichrysum petiolare , or moss-like lime-green Pyrethrum aureum ‘ Golden Moss ’ , used for a neat edging , will also act as a pleasant foil for the brighter plants that they frame .
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