Example sentences of "a [adj] way [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Glashow was then able to predict that a neutral weak interaction exists due to the exchange of the Z o , for example in electron-proton scattering ( Figure 4 ) , and that this process would violate parity in a definite way depending on the amount of mixing .
2 Before introducing a new set of coordinates , it may be noted in passing that Feinstein and Ibañez ( 1989 ) have considered an alternative coordinate system and have expanded a general solution in a different way involving Bessel and Neumann functions of zero order .
3 This is the result of released muscle tension ; gravity affects the body in a different way making it much easier to use .
4 The topographical environment is of great significance for the story but it is not ordered in a straightforward way according to the canons of empirical geography and empirical zoology .
5 Module names for SOURCE , FOREIGN and PMODEL modules can be reserved in a similar way using option 1.1.3 , Reserve Source , Foreign and Pmodel Modules .
6 The soldiers too produce a pheromone , contributing to the mix of chemical messages circulating in the colony and in a similar way preventing the development of any of the larvae into soldiers .
7 ‘ It was a long way carrying the baby . ‘
8 ‘ I 'm used to walking a long way carrying the baby . ’
9 However , state support varies in a complex way according to the age of the elderly person , the extent of his or her-disability , the type of household lived in , and the informal support available .
10 It 's a good way trying to teach them colours is n't it ?
11 Of course , such a device is doing more than protecting them from an over-exciting adventure ; it is also in a calmer way building up their anticipation of a real mystery .
12 Linfield are back in business in a big way following one of the most astonishing weeks in the club 's history and the news was greeted with delight — and a tinge of relief .
13 Then the masses of the W and Z particles should relate in a precise way according to the electro-weak theory .
14 Presently all make a valuable contribution but generally events are not planned in a co-ordinated way taking into account the work of other agencies .
15 Such feedback should be offered in a positive way leading to further commitment .
16 She 's in a bad way trying to have her pups .
17 I bet you are I bet you are it 's a lovely way getting thin it 's good is n't it ?
18 She thought how rough they had been with each other , how savage almost , sometimes in an odd way wanting to be done so that they could begin all over again .
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