Example sentences of "a [adj] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a see-through one with blue stickers on it , in n it ?
2 Yeah , a see-through one with blue stickers , it 's got erm on it It 's got Whitney Houston on it .
3 The mine is a rich one for the diligent researcher .
4 In 1991 , British government finances again moved into deficit and the projections are that the deficit will grow but notwithstanding this the market in UK government bonds will remain , by international standards , a medium-sized one for the foreseeable future .
5 Robbins ( 1963 ) presented dual-subject courses ( joint honours , combined studies , etc. ) as a variant on the single-subject pattern for those students who do not want such a specialized higher education , but that represents a university view , and a dated one at that .
6 Predictably the study is a small-scale one with no indication of whether recall is serial or not .
7 Have you got a dry one for er Mary ?
8 The effects of drought , floods , erosion and fire on the forest of different types — savanna-like in the north , seasonally-flooded in the centre , with a seasonal climate in the south and south-west , a dry one in the north-east and the perhumid climate with species-rich forest in the west — has not yet been fully assessed .
9 The shift is a subtle one in which ‘ the mores , attitudes , and thinking of those regulated come to prevail in the approach and thinking ’ of many regulatory officials ( Bernstein , 1955:83 ) .
10 If insufficient moots are organised , try to get a law teacher or barrister to judge a private one for yourself and friends .
11 What constitutes a ‘ public meeting ’ as opposed to a private one for the purposes of these sections is not spelt out any further in the legislation .
12 Marriage as a ritual is a private one between bride and groom , who are usually of approximate age .
13 Coincidence or whatever , in the newspaper one day the following week , there was an advertisement for an art history teacher at a boys ' public school ( that 's a private one in this country ) in Oxfordshire .
14 They always let you use a ‘ phone and sometimes you get a private one in a booth or similar and I 've made many Stateside calls that way .
15 In fact , the next year , 1984 , was to be a memorable one in motor racing , distinguished by an extraordinary battle fought by the two men with all the means at their disposal , but always honestly and intelligently , on the circuit .
16 The new war led in turn to a breach with France , and during 1740 the British government became seriously alarmed at the simultaneous assembling of a French fleet at Brest and a Spanish one at Ferrol [ or El Ferrol ] , Spain 's chief Atlantic base , 12 miles [ 21 km ] north-east of Corunna .
17 The layout is a solid one with thick , cellular walls and tall buttresses with chapels between .
18 We can reduce the problem to a one-dimensional one by claiming that the plates are infinitely large .
19 Its story is a classic one in the history of breeding and of famous breeders , for it was the Longhorn which was taken in hand by the great master breeder Robert Bakewell ( 1726–95 ) of Dishley , Leicestershire , to be fashioned most skilfully into his ideal commercial animal of the period .
20 The case for Solaris on Intel , however , does not appear a strong one for Stuart at present , ‘ although I could be proven wrong ’ , he said .
21 The earthquake was unusually violent and somewhat unexpected , because we had already had a strong one at the start of March .
22 The desire to conceive and bear children is a strong one in many women , not all of them in conventional relationships .
23 The possibility of accidental or deliberate pollution of our rivers is always going to be present therefore , and unless some sophisticated measuring device is installed in all our rivers which can quickly detect pollution and hence lead to urgent action , this argument about allowing fishermen to continue to carry out their sport is quite a strong one from an environmental point of view .
24 You can double back on yourself or move from a numbered block to a normal one without penalty — the numbered one remains if you need to return to it ( and you will ) .
25 Now I 've got four letter Ps to do with the voice er and what I want to do is is think about the comparison of aspects of the voice when we have a normal one to one conversation and compare that with the same aspects when we 're making a presentation standing in front of a group .
26 Pilot studies which replace the mutated gene for adenosine deaminase by a normal one in lymphocytes of several children affected by severe combined immunodeficiency have shown a clear clinical improvement .
27 Yachts have been fined for neglecting to fly one in Turkey , and reprimanded for a torn one in Greece .
28 Her concern is not a narrow one of how sexual matters should be treated and presented , but how one is to construct and preserve a society in which the dominant values are Judaeo-Christian .
29 Sport is just one avenue , and a narrow one at that , through which a young person can achieve access to resources , prestige , wealth , feelings of self-adequacy .
30 This is to inform you all that me and my Companions have Unanamously agreed and likewise made Oath to Each other that if There is not a speedy Altaration made for the Good of the poore that you have corn thinking to make your fortunes of shall have it burnt to the Ground whether it Be in Stacks or Barns for the fire that took place Last Week was but the begining of your Troble , we know every Stack of Corn about this Country , and Every Barn that hath Corn concealed in it for the Purpos of starving the Poore But we are Determind if thare is to Be Starvation it shall be a General thing not a parcial one for both Gentle and Simple shall Starve if any Do .
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