Example sentences of "a [noun] would have " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Hatton , even more expertly , kept it under a piteous control that only a brute would have the brashness to disregard .
2 Most of the cases determined after a trial would have been begun by a writ issued in 1985 or 1986 .
3 The effect on a racehorse would have been like ‘ a firework exploding in its ear ’ .
4 In the nick south of the river where Nelson had done his early constable training , such a case would have been referred to as an AFD .
5 It seems most unlikely that the testator had any intention of this sort ; and it is pointless to assert that such a decision would have been impossible in a legacy , since the whole context — a disposition charged on a non-heir — is one in which a legacy could not have functioned .
6 Such a decision would have had considerable economic and political consequences as the plant employed 6,000 workers in a state where unemployment was already high , at 6.3 per cent .
7 It has also been held that a taxpayer would have standing to challenge the legality of an Order in Council authorizing the payment of public money to the European Community ; and that a television licence-holder has standing in respect of alleged breach by the IBA ( the predecessor of the Independent Television Commission ) of its responsibility to monitor programmes .
8 This is equivalent in terms of the effect on the total physical capital stock to reducing b by , and we can see from ( 8–56 ) that such a reduction would have an equivalent effect on the government budget constraint .
9 It was unlikely ; any obvious signs of a struggle would have been noted by the police .
10 UNTIL a couple of years ago , your wife 's investment income would have been taxed in your name , so any entitlement to a refund would have depended on your income and tax allowances .
11 sometimes a metalpoint would have a point at either end of the stylus , for sake of balance , or perhaps containing a different type of metalpoint .
12 Such a measure would have a dramatic impact .
13 Publication of a correction would have damaged the case for further devaluation , real wage cuts and other demand management measures wanted by the Fund . ’
14 Even so , lawyers think a cheque would have to be paid into an account with exactly the same name .
15 And never , of course , replaced ; such a purchase would have been an unjustifiable extravagance .
16 A computer would have to be given knowledge about human eating habits before it could interpret this .
17 To be sure , I have had to deal with various phenomena and minister to those who have experienced them , and there have certainly been some chilling moments , but in general a ghost would have to flay me alive with its chains before I raised an eyebrow at the possibility of its presence .
18 There was a short silence now in which anyone with good enough hearing to detect a pin-drop would have detected the sound of hundreds of little grey cells jostling and barging each other in frantic efforts to arrive at a perfect understanding of the day 's events .
19 To do that , a buyer would have to stump up at least £8.5m .
20 The company has said a buyer would have to come up with at least £8.5 million if Caldaire was not to end up out of pocket .
21 In order to do that , a buyer would have to stump up at least £8.5m for the site .
22 Law 12 Try and Touch-Down states : ‘ A penalty try shall be awarded between the posts if but for foul play by the defending team … a try would have been scored ’ .
23 If the referee has any doubt as to whether or not a try would have been scored he can only award a penalty , exactly the decision in the final .
24 Such a story would have been heavily damaging to the electoral prospects of the Labour Party as it was pledged to end such speculation .
25 The females could stay in one place , taking care of the babies with their free hands , and in return for finding her and the infants a male would have his own female always available for sex . ’
26 If females are well spaced out then a male would have great difficulty in monopolising more than one at time .
27 A male would have received a conditional discharge or a unit fine . ’
28 Touring Rothman 's factory in Darlington he assures workers that such a ban would have no effect on sales or jobs , in fact , he said as in the case of Italy , tobacco sales would increase !
29 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
30 Thus , advertising programmes for a Brand would have to be agreed not only by the Product Group Manager , but also by the Advertising Manager .
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