Example sentences of "a [noun] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The trade surplus for the first quarter of 1990 was down 35 per cent on the same period in 1989 and there was increasingly frequent talk of a recession as the major economic indices fell .
2 Unlike Godard 's intellectual young couples in a confined space , these two people spend the weekend together communicating on as superficial a level as the movie itself .
3 The first step is to produce a set of descriptive statistics of such variables as employment , unemployment , output , productivity and labour costs for Northern Ireland , at as detailed a level as the data permit .
4 They led her into the interview-room , gave her a cup of tea and got her to sign the consent form — somewhat of a formality as the child was already in Theatre by this time , but at least that way they were covered in the event of any repercussions .
5 The question for the court was whether on July 9 , 1921 , the police authorities acting , reasonably and in good faith , considered a police garrison at the colliery necessary for the protection of life and property from violence , or , in other words , whether the decision of the chief constable in refusing special protection unless paid for was such a decision as a man in his position and with his duties could reasonably take .
6 Women have a hard enough time — being a ‘ house-husband ’ in most circumstances would be a struggle as the majority of men would be unable to find the support that women get amongst their peer group .
7 I salute the HKRFU ( whose own representative seven brought the house down in winning the Plate ) ; the sponsors , whose far-sightedness and faith has been amply rewarded ; and the participating unions — with the ‘ minnows ’ as important a part as the ‘ big fish ’ .
8 The war thus became very much a joint concern , with the nobility playing as important a part as the king in recruiting and commanding armies and conducting campaigns .
9 They point out that in the history of science it is clear that social and political factors play a great part in determining which theories are held on to and which are rejected ; certainly they play at least as great a part as the degree to which a theory is seen as having evidential support .
10 Then there was a clang as the driver opened the door and climbed down .
11 Even if their child stays away from school parents are still urged to seek a refund as the council believes children should have the same rights as other rail users .
12 He began writing to his friends : The life is as much a fiction as the poetry and becomes a kind of secondary creation against which the primary one may be read .
13 The court held that volenti non fit injuria did not succeed as a defence as the plaintiff did not exercise the freedom of choice which was necessary .
14 I asked her whether she felt she could walk past them , giving them as wide a berth as the width of the pavement would allow .
15 We can therefore see such a plasmid as a temporary alliance between genes which induce conjugation in the host bacterium ( and so make transmission of the plasmid itself possible ) , and genes which help the host to survive and multi ply .
16 [ 9 ] There was a click as the discreet door shut .
17 There was a click as the machine switched itself off .
18 Catherine , Mary noted , was especially quick to challenge George 's generalisations by reference to a local situation : Mary herself kept not so much a watch as a guard over Hope 's words .
19 Her hand came up and she caught him a stinging blow across the cheek , watching without a flicker as the mark turned first white , then red .
20 There was a clatter as the ladder was dragged across the floor .
21 There was a clatter as the phone was put down .
22 There was a clatter as the phone was put down , followed by the sound of footsteps scurrying down the stairs and fading into silence .
23 ‘ Total Communication ’ is a technique as the name suggests , one which tries developing every possible method of communicating including gestures , speech , lipreading , formal signing and the future uses of the best possible electronic hearing aids .
24 In fact , the idea would command about as big a majority as the one in 1990 that favoured membership of the ERM .
25 There was an explosion and a flash as the device punched a neat hole through the metal and ignited the petrol inside with a satisfactory whoosh of flame .
26 The incident degenerated into a fight as the players left the pitch and , according to radio reports , only the two goalkeepers were not involved .
27 Such a look as a wife gives her man .
28 Here , the front wheels scrabbled for grip , slithering across a hairpin as the turbo power overtook the capacity of the American Michelin tyres to transfer such substantial clout to the ground .
29 His face burnt like a brand As the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast ; And he kissed its waves in the moonlight ,
30 The copyholder , often equated with the poor peasant farmer , might well have been every bit as much a rentier as the lord of the manor , especially if a gentleman or wealthy townsman , earning thereby the disapprobation of Robert Crowley :
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