Example sentences of "a [noun] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For 16 months , like a prince in medieval England who succeeds to the throne before he comes of age , he was tied to a particular past and regime , hedged by his predecessor 's courtiers and advisers , living through his minority and aching to make his own mark .
2 British U N Soldiers at a base in Central Bosnia have been forced to move out under heavy mortar fire .
3 Bevin and the Foreign Office were on occasion more sensitive to this issue — but in Bevin 's case this produced the bizarre proposal to hang on in the Middle East from a base in inhospitable ( but British ) territory 2,000 miles from the Suez Canal , Even Bullock is forced to concede that Bevin was ‘ obsessed ’ with the Middle East , an obsession he never seems to have lost .
4 Common Law would treat a provision in a contract as to time as being ‘ of the essence of the contract ’ , meaning that if a certain act was not done by one party within a certain stipulated time , he should lose all rights under the contract ; Equity treated such a provision in general as not being of the essence of the contract , but as giving a right only to damages .
5 She bore down on the surprised Jane like a galleon in full sail and demanded , imperiously , what she intended to ‘ do ’ with the house .
6 Like a galleon in full sail , she first hove into view during the early 1970s .
7 The great wooden chalet creaked and resonated like a galleon in full sail .
8 In retrospect , I know now that I could not have chosen a more co-operative species than the chub with which to begin a vocation in big-fish angling .
9 A great chance lost , for had I kept as careful a lookout in front as I had behind I should have seen her before she saw me .
10 So computers are a valuable tool for a clinician in general practice , as well as being a valuable administrative tool to a partner in a practice .
11 I thought about sang-sang-dang , or the state of being a rose-bush in early May .
12 In a study investigating the effect of a particular teaching method on speed of learning , many factors could be held constant if a laboratory experiment were conducted — the identity of the teacher , the way the material was introduced and so on ; a trial in real schools would be more realistic , but also more susceptible to the slings and arrows of fortune in the classroom .
13 A foam filter plus a bucket in warm place will make a temporary home for many fish .
14 It has the advantage of offering a small choice of three or four dishes for each course , all cooked with skill by a cheerful Frenchman in a kitchen in full view of the customers .
15 I am proceeding in the belief that there is a unity in developmental mechanisms , and whilst the sea-urchin provided an excellent model , there are other examples to be considered .
16 Niki moved to Brabham and produced good results but no wonders there ; Hunt stayed with a McLaren in serious decline and was able to do even less in 1978 than in 1977 : he and team-mate Tambay totalled a mere 16 points between them .
17 In certain cases declarations and injunctions can also be sought under Order 53 ; and a claim for damages can be joined to an AJR if it arises out of a matter to which the AJR relates and provided the court is satisfied that the applicant has a case in private law for the award of damages .
18 Old Doc Mac was one of the really great forensic scientists — we started together — but there 's no denying that he 'd let the reins slip a bit in recent years .
19 Then people with nest eggs in the Branch and most important those with a bit in other institutions .
20 I was delighted to see that th on the if you are now considering buying extra funds to see an encouragement residential home places There is however an important issue where you get shall we say a quality development in a rural area , and I mean a quality development , which would be probably has to be above the rates quoted here where talk a discussion with the owners because they may not be available to local people and that does concern me a bit in rural areas .
21 Jilly had passed her A level in English Literature the summer before , having notably failed to acquire any qualifications except a pass in O level Divinity at her expensive school : now she was hoping to qualify for a course at the Open University .
22 It was also seen as an attempt to undermine the UN 's plans for a referendum in Western Sahara [ see p. 38982 ] .
23 On Oct. 10 it was announced that the central committee of the ruling party , the Rassemblement du peuple togolais ( RPT ) , had approved a proposal for the drafting of a new constitution by a special commission which was to include representatives of " all socio-professional groups " ; the draft would be put to a referendum in late 1991 .
24 The draft of the new constitution outlining the presidential and multiparty system agreed at the February 1990 conference on reform was presented to the High Council of the Republic on April 12 , 1990 , and its contents announced on May 15 , prior to a referendum in late 1990 .
25 BORIS Yeltsin crossed his personal Rubicon last weekend when he declared special presidential rule until a referendum in late April — effectively slicing through the tangle of his constitutional power struggle with parliament .
26 Never pass up a decision , nor make a decision in automatic mode .
27 The commission will seek to arbitrate a resolution before handing down a decision in late summer .
28 He was speaking in shorthand in a sense and made it very clear that Scottish circumstances would be taken fully into account , and that I will be reaching a decision in due course . ’
29 An obvious example would be if it reached a decision in flagrant breach of the rules of natural justice .
30 It was inevitable that the shift of leadership from the PLO outside to UNLU should give rise to thoughts of a split in Palestinian ranks , between the ‘ inside ’ and ‘ outside ’ .
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