Example sentences of "a [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We asked if Royal Jordanian could help fly parts from New York to Bangkok , a route it operates .
2 Music and dance is the way the story of ‘ Sikulu ’ is put across , and what a variety it offers !
3 As a resort it has changed though , having passed out of the possession of the royals and their followers and into that principally of the world 's surfers , who come to this coast for technical reasons , because it has by all accounts the best waves in Europe on which to perch for the ride into town .
4 The economist John Maynard Keynes advocated just such an approach in the Thirties , arguing that during a recession it made sense because there were idle resources available .
5 And then if your blood pressure does go down a bit it does n't matter cos you 're lying down .
6 It might be a bit awkward when you start off but once you 've done it a bit it gets easier .
7 which is something like speed , only it 's a bit it 's got a direction .
8 Next week , Mr Irons and Sheriff Nicholson are to petition the Court of Session to reverse a decision it took last year , effectively removing them as Torrie trustees , and making the university the sole trustee of the collection .
9 If expenditure is contained within a budget it implies that it has been approved by top management and no further approval is required .
10 Now that I 'm a teetotaller it 's become even harder .
11 He pushed at the gate and after a struggle it creaked and groaned open on its one rusty hinge .
12 Apart from an inkstained blotter and a penstand it held a small wooden bookshelf containing the Shorter Oxford Dictionary , a dictionary of quotations , Roget 's Thesaurus and Fowler 's Modern English Usage .
13 ‘ Unless local and national action is taken , the profession will face a crisis of a kind it has not experienced before , ’ he added .
14 when I say a mass it 's not got preaching or anything .
15 that 's two lines as well , I mean if , if you only have a tenner it pays for your afternoon out
16 As the setting for a love-scene it has a great deal to be desired , do n't you think ? ’
17 Like a prescription it needs to be taken to be a cure , like a recipe it needs to be cooked to be eaten , like a cheque it needs to be cashed to be spent .
18 He joined us from a Derbyshire side near his native Tibshelf and made his Southern League debut at Bristol Rovers oh 7 December — and what a debut it turned out to be !
19 As a verb it means simply ‘ to copulate ’ and the Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary traces its literary use as a verb as far back as 1503 , when the poet ( and sometime Franciscan friar ) William Dunbar included this line in one of his verses : ‘ Be his feiris he wald have fukkit ’ .
20 SunSoft , however , thanks to a license it inherited when it bought the Systems Products Division of Interactive Systems Corp , has a time-to-market advantage whose exact terms are still unclear .
21 Tigers do not know that humans beings have no sense of smell , and when a tiger becomes a man-eater it treats a human being exactly as it treats wild animals , that is , it approaches its intended victims up-wind , or lies up in wait for them down-wind .
22 ‘ Killing is like a drug it gets to be a way of life .
23 And normally if I get near a computer it goes wrong .
24 Comshare uses Scripts , a technique it has developed to port commands from the application to the database .
25 Now , the Northern Empire is lost , and the Black Land is in a chaos it has not known since Nebphetyre Amosis , two hundred years ago ! ’
26 Then in a flash it dashes away as if fleeing in panic .
27 Without a grave it costs £390/£400 ( presumably this means cremation ) .
28 Thus if a test is given for diagnosing a difficulty it seems less relevant to decide on a boundary score than to obtain details of the nature of the difficulty .
29 Wiltshire Social Services want to know how the Mail on Sunday obtained confidential information about the 14-year-old for a story it ran at the weekend .
30 Wiltshire Social Services want to know how the Mail on Sunday obtained confidential information about the 14-year-old for a story it ran at the weekend .
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