Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was busy cooking , blissing out on the aroma of cod in a yoghurt and fresh coriander sauce , and was n't really listening , but through the vapours there penetrated the fact that in Derbyshire they were queuing up recently to do a route on Raven Tor which is ‘ easy 8a , ’ in order to get into a book which David Jones has assembled on climbers — particularly those who can climb 8a .
2 So I map out a route over familiar country near home which takes in some old hedges and one-time mushroom pastures , hoist a gathering bag over my shoulder — and then curse the fact that the mid-October day that I have carefully planned for this expedition turns out to be the most dismal of the autumn so far .
3 Andrew and John were recruited with the objective of being prepared for Shell work on the Brent contract , and have systematically followed a route of planned training , to work for Wood Group Engineering Contractors on a Shell site and installation .
4 Jim Simpson 's Zig Zag ( VS ) in 1948 was a fine effort up the Raven Wall — a bold venture taking a route of considerable quality .
5 Warren Beatty also discovered a route to instant fame , co-starring with Natalie Wood , one of the world 's most glamorous young actresses in 1959 , in Elia Kazan 's Splendor in the Grass .
6 Crisps and cornflakes are cornerstones of the multinational mass market , and maybe they could be a route to worldwide understanding , but they have little to contribute directly to the second problem — that of the short-term habitat destruction , which is now a worldwide epidemic .
7 The MPDS is a route to early membership of the IMechE [ and chartered status ] .
8 The following grouping of Stage 2 modules may form a core for vocational programmes and may provide a route to Advanced Further Education and Higher Education :
9 The following grouping of Stage 2 modules may form a core for vocational programmes and may provide a route to Advanced Further Education and Higher Education :
10 This gives a route to acetic acid , selling for about £310 a tonne , that is more economic than the one from say , ethanol , at around £470 a tonne .
11 Labour 's economic policies are wrong , not chiefly because they are still preoccupied with redistributing wealth ( although they are ) , but because they reflect Labour 's conviction that public rather than private spending offers a route to national prosperity .
12 As Professor Chapman observes , high status nursing can be seen as a route to social mobility ; the more closely the nurse works with a doctor as a member of the team , the more prestigious the job is assumed to be .
13 Foot notes : a superb expedition on an atmospheric island , this is a route for experienced , confident and fit walkers .
14 Moreover , a substantial proportion of the council housing built on low-density suburban estates in the inter-war period has now been incorporated into the owner-occupied sector and no longer provides a route for lower-income households wanting to move into the suburbs .
15 Conditions under which plea bargaining might take place included a payment of substantial fines , restoring cash to the victims of fraud , full cooperation in the investigation and giving evidence for related cases .
16 Administration is considerably more difficult to define briefly , but for our purposes may be taken to mean the application of general rules to particular cases by the making of some order ( for example , a demolition order ) , or some decision ( for example , that an immigrant 's entry certificate was obtained by fraud in contravention of some statutory regulation ) , or by performing some action ( for example , making a payment of social security benefit ) .
17 The idea of a payment for public exhibition was first developed in Sweden during the late 1960s and is based on the idea that the exhibition of paintings and other works of art is a service to society and , accordingly , the artist should receive some form of exhibition payment .
18 Subsequent experiments tested the effect of rest periods , the duration of work and the use of a payment by piece-work system .
19 The fundamental weakness in Oswine 's position was not necessarily so much the challenge from Swaefheard as the lack of support within the kingdom for a prince of Eormenred 's line .
20 Bristling with moonstones , the collar was primitive and barbaric ; the mastiff of a prince of medieval Persia might have worn it for going out hawking in a miniature .
21 For 16 months , like a prince in medieval England who succeeds to the throne before he comes of age , he was tied to a particular past and regime , hedged by his predecessor 's courtiers and advisers , living through his minority and aching to make his own mark .
22 The official catalogue entry for calf meal said ‘ may be deliciously used as a condiment with other crushed cereals ’ .
23 At one level , McLuhan brought together a variety of existing studies of cultural modes and forms in oral and in literate societies .
24 It assembled a variety of skilled sympathisers on the stage of the ICA that both set the audience hopping up and down and delivered music of such a strong African flavour as to make the issue and the entertainment inseperable .
25 With a variety of subtle tricks , morphological , behavioural and biochemical , these social symbionts are accepted into otherwise closed ant societies .
26 The life review can provide a means of re-establishing and confirming individual involvement with current reality , and linking their past work and efforts with the social change that has occurred , for in a variety of subtle ways they will have been part of the changes and developments that they are witnessing .
27 Heclo and Wildavsky adopt an anthropological tone when they speak of the British policy-making system in Whitehall concerned with public expenditure as a ‘ village community with a variety of subtle norms about the type of behaviour which is acceptable and unacceptable , praiseworthy and condemnable .
28 He identified a variety of mild psychiatric problems , principally neurotic depression and anxiety neurosis , in 86 per cent of them .
29 When the actor represents the play , he or she draws upon a variety of verbal and non-verbal resources .
30 Results using the tachistoscopic paradigm and a variety of verbal tasks are as conflicting as those obtained with the dichotic technique .
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