Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] money " in BNC.

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1 I as a taxpayer pay money for clever chaps like you to be the production engineers of the Cabinet system of government .
2 erm , by the grants of credit approvals , either basic or supplementary , which is A that facilitating a council spending money on the programmes which the D T P have accepted .
3 talking about children getting five pound a week spending money
4 We were n't , I now realise by doing the sums , badly off My father paid the rent , all the bills , gave us our pocket money , and a fixed sum of f7 a week housekeeping money quite a lot in the late 1950s — went on being handed over every Friday until his death , even when estrangement was obvious , and he was living most of the time with someone else .
5 You normally receive £2.00 a week pocket money .
6 My father paid for my digs in Paddington and gave me a pound a week pocket money , together with what he called ‘ travelling expenses ’ for my regular visit home ( home and a good , square meal ) , and to spend some time with Clare who was fifteen and slowly , very slowly , improving .
7 Okay so let's say if you got three pound sixty a week pocket money .
8 Well perhaps she only gets two pence a week pocket money and she saves one penny .
9 Or perhaps she gets two hundred pounds a week pocket money right ?
10 Or two million pounds a week pocket money .
11 If he went a week without work there was just seven pounds a week pool money to take home .
12 Most of his 400 roubles a month spending money went on drink .
13 Like a Copt lending money to Osman . ’
14 Oh I had about a shilling pocket money I think , although they used , they 'd fine you , they 'd stop money off you if you were late if you were a quarter of an hour late you could n't go in and erm until , and then you 'd got to explain to your mums , well that you were some money short you see , why is this , and we had to say well we were a bit late getting in when you started out soon enough you see .
15 Yeah yeah yeah I had a shilling pocket money and out of that I saved up for a bike .
16 So far though it has not been a problem raising money for the sharp end of mountain rescue — for new ropes or new vehicles and the like .
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