Example sentences of "and [be] with him " in BNC.

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1 She thinks of Dulé , for he beckons to her : they will cross the channel to Oualie and be with him , perhaps , as he has asked , the three of them together again , with Roukoubé as well , and Sycorax will recover .
2 His wife 's a little sad today because he phoned here this morning and she 's a little upset , she 'd like to go home and be with him , but she 's happy that he 's safe
3 I said what would I like to say , disgusted with the way he 's been treated , I said my father left intensive care at one o'clock on Friday , we was told he was gon na leave there at four o'clock to go home and have a meal and be with him when he went on the ward , when we came back , he 'd been moved , he 'd gone on the ward , he was plonked in the chair , his catheter was on his lap , it had leaked all over him , his dressing was hanging off and seeping with green stuff the wound on his leg was run all down over his foot , he 'd got no cover on his seat so he could see , Dave said they looked and they did n't look very bloody nice
4 ‘ Because you were a contemporary of a student named Morpurgo and were with him when he was injured in a car crash in the Trinity term of 1968 .
5 But there was the rub , for Ben had , according to many , the most explosive start ever in athletics ' history and being with him at the three-fifths point in the race was , apparently , beyond the powers of the sprinters gathered in the Stadio Olimpico on this hot August day , Lewis included .
6 But how could I explain to a man shaking with fury that it was candy-floss I did n't like , and crowds , and being with him ?
7 With Sissy she eventually discovers him lying in a disused mine shaft , and is with him when he dies .
8 Instead of flitting from one employer to another he remained constant in Richard 's service and was with him still at the end at Chalus .
9 He was closely associated with the heir to the throne , the future Edward I , and was with him in Gascony in 1255 .
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