Example sentences of "and [adv] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But she returned and eventually her husband was shot dead by her father .
2 But the battle was in vain , and McAllister , like Dr Neil and Rose , had to watch while all their efforts to save Effie were useless , and slowly her life leached away with her blood , leaving her white and drained on the bed , only the shouts of her now motherless baby breaking the silence of the room .
3 Maria went ahead and accepted the post and slowly her husband became more supportive .
4 It was only 2s.6d. and rather her sort of thing , I thought .
5 Just the touch of his chest pressing hard against her breasts , just the lightest fleeting brush of his thighs against hers , and suddenly her heart was weeping from the wanting of him .
6 And suddenly her heart was beating very fast , slamming against her ribcage like a demented hammer .
7 She stared through the long net curtains out on to the ‘ tZand , empty now in the thickening twilight , and suddenly her wariness dissolved .
8 When Matey had ventured a favourable comment about his midnight drinking having stopped , he had simply said , ‘ You must thank McAllister for that , ’ and so her influence seemed to be a good one .
9 She was Altun , and so her hair was red — a colour like a brightly burning fire .
10 But he saw her only as part of the furniture , and so her guilt was lessened .
11 It seems that she will not be well enough to proceed with the rest of the play , and so her understudy will be taking over the role .
12 Her therapist had suggested that she should speak more fully and openly to her husband , but an ancient , instinctive residue of wisdom had told Scarlet that this would be inadvisable : she had not gone through any process of transference , did not therefore regard her therapist as omnipotent , and so her suspicion that she was wasting money on her treatment was not unfounded .
13 There was no road at that time , and so her coffin was carried from Santo da Serra over the rough mountain tracks to Boaventura .
14 Jay felt like an athlete in training : Lucy 's perfection — and so her need for Jay 's perfection to love her ? — was her racetrack .
15 And perhaps her friend was right , Lisa thought to herself now as she sank back in her armchair in front of the gas fire , put her feet up at last and took a mouthful of her cocoa .
16 Mr Kallisher told the jury : ‘ The defendant tried to raise in the minds of the police a suspicion that Julie had been dealing with drugs stolen from the hospital and perhaps her murder was connected with that , not with him . ’
17 ‘ She was always very quiet and withdrawn , ’ was all Aunt Lilian would say , when pressed , and perhaps her interest really was in the young man 's academic future , not in her own , or mine , because she continued to coach him by post until two days before my birth .
18 His hands moved convulsively up and down her back .
19 It was too humiliating … she stared at her reflection , the damp tangle of hair tumbling over her eyes and down her back , the too pale , too thin length of arms and legs , the full thrust of high , ochre-tipped breasts , balanced by the curving jut of her hips … she put her hands to her face , and felt the heat in her cheeks .
20 She pulled it more tightly , rubbing her shoulders , allowing one hand to slide across her breasts and down her belly .
21 Talking softly the whole time , he slowly ran his hands over her , caressing , gentling and scratching up and down her mane where once her mother would have lovingly nibbled her , then progressing to her back and flanks .
22 He worked his dick up and down her slit , rubbing at her pulsating clit a multitude of times before plunging it back into her squelching hole .
23 It turned chilly in the afternoon , and a man in a bowler hat came and sat beside her and rubbed the side of his shoe up and down her leg .
24 The tears welled up in her eyes and trickled into her ears and down her neck ; she heard her own sobs but made no effort to contain them .
25 Jezrael was pacing up and down her room in the emotional protection of her old innersuit .
26 Helen now had a curious pricking sensation up and down her spine .
27 He held her close , one hand at her waist , the other supporting her back , his fingers stroking at the base of her neck , sending delightful shivers , signals of desire , up and down her spine .
28 Old ? ’ he queried helpfully in his soft , rather musical voice that sent funny little shivers up and down her spine .
29 One hand moved gently up and down her spine while the other arm continued to hold her closely .
30 She was beginning to respond to the tenderness of his fingers playing up and down her spine .
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