Example sentences of "and [adv] what [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Both had a comprehensive collection of tools , and luckily what we needed would be available at the right time .
2 ‘ As time went on , Guillamon became a trusted adviser , and eventually what you see now .
3 Now we 'll get the changing hand out of the way first because it 's easier that way and so what we do is to bring the rope hand towards the tiller hand and then you can tuck it under your thumb , pick up the tiller with the other hand now , that 's fine .
4 You go to Singapore where he has interests , you go to Hungary where he has interests , you go to different parts of the Europe where has interests and then you go to Britain where he has interests and you can and so what we 're talking about here really I mean that 's we 're talking here of commercial interest .
5 And so what we did , we ran this particular course , erm , for which we we received a fee , but it came back as expenses area , was n't under the same arrangement as the rest of it .
6 And , and so what we 've got to do is organise ourselves so that we spend more of our time , ensure , actually doing the things which actually do what the business does .
7 Erm and so what we need to think about tomorrow , we 're organizing this plan , or whatever , is how , how do we implement that .
8 It 's a plea which we suggest should make the timetable serve the child and not the reverse , and so what we 're doing is we 're saying to children erm ‘ Yes , you are of the same worth , you are of equal value , you should have the same care , love attention and the same resources ’ .
9 If you 're a theist , you will say , ‘ Well , here is Russell 's deeper conviction of the true nature of things bursting through the false , restrictive , scientific intellectualism into which he endeavoured to confine it , and so what we have here , when he calls the world unjust , or fearful , or whatever it may be , are his true , his ultimate convictions peeping through . ’
10 And so what he 's trying to do is to as Andrea says erm uncover the truth , get to the , get to what really happened as it were , under the layers of myth and distortion could have been introduced in the Bible story , and as I said if you read the book erm and it is quite fascinating in many ways , it is a bit like a detective story because what Freud does is he tries to get to the truth by analyzing the , the actual texts and the texts contains discrepancies and anybody who 's ever tried to erm edit a book , learns this to their cost actually , but er you find no matter how carefully you change things , there 's usually things you miss , little discrepancies that give away how it was the first time and er Freud 's view is this , this has happened very much to the Bible , it 's been so heavily edited and re-written and later the the various editings show and if you read it very critically , you can begin to see perhaps the underlying pattern er coming through and erm just as you can tell for instance by reading Genesis , that it 's a of two accounts because there are two stories , the first story is Chapter One of Genesis , then in Chapter Three or something there 's a second story repeats it with variations .
11 On , on the point of representation , in fact , er , I think there have been representations made already be those authorities who felt they were disadvantaged in the first case , and so what you 've seen with , using this method of distribution , is a switch actually , of expenditure to London boroughs , London boroughs felt that they had lost , er , in the first round of S T G , but now if you look at the overall spread they and the er , Mets have gained .
12 Er , obviously on a more serious note , er it was very disappointing that we had such a severe er downturn in profitability last year after several years of steadily rising profits , and so what I want to do this morning was tell you a little bit about what happened in the last part of the year , since we met at the time of the interim results presentation last September , tell you the actions that have been taken and give you a little bit of insight as to where we stand at the present time .
13 Erm there 'll be seven lectures on this subject and that 's a fair number of course but it 's not enough to cover the full range of things that I 'd want normally to talk to you about and so what I 'm going to do is to aim to introduce you to some of the central concepts of foreign policy , of ways of analysing it , of the models that are used , the ideas erm er surrounding foreign policy and also to illustrate these with examples .
14 But environmental standards , as I see it , and whatever form now , whether in the posh green sense or the nitty gritty sense , which is equally as important and sometimes forgotten , environmental standards transcend , obviously transcend politics and so what I want to , would would would want to do , is to try to strip off the politics and indeed to strip off the emotion , because that 's the other thing which I think affects any real consideration of environmental issues .
15 Okay , an and so what it said then was that ego , ego is where all these things come together
16 And so what it does after the first ten minutes , it says , look I 've had enough of this , what 's the grey haired old bugger on about now , oh ,
17 The observables , the exotic items of gold , amber , shell , garnet , pottery ( and perhaps what it contained , for instance wine ) , glass , mercury , ivory , may give us a distorted image of the nature of exchange , but there is no reason for rejecting the acceptance of the pattern at face-value .
18 And perhaps what I tell you will , even now , change your mind .
19 Oh , I suppose you 've been in love , probably several times , so you know how it feels to hold someone , and perhaps what I 'm feeling is what anybody feels when their life is startled and transformed .
20 And perhaps what she does know wo n't help me , anyway .
21 I had two people working for me then , and basically what we did for two years was to do this type of work on unbelievable amounts of equipment .
22 And basically what they need to do is create peasant economy to increase production as they learn from the land .
23 Erm and basically what it is is it 's a government sponsored this er which erm well the rules may have changed cos they 're always changing the rules of these things .
24 Grattan Direct Line and we 're just like a company Grattan but Grattan own it sort of thing and basically what it is , it 's a daily delivery to the door .
25 Er and basically what I want to do is to put the winner , the winning e exhibition into the new reception area , for the new erm office at Ruddington when it opens .
26 I have been thinking about my nearly twenty years friendship with him and especially what it was that he gave me in terms of belief and understanding of the job .
27 Not a lot of weight as you imagine because they 're all little tiny sprigs this high , and obviously what they are going to do , they were being taken to south Wales where they going to start off a new little forest presumably .
28 Erm , and obviously what you use these things for is to schedule your activities .
29 And obviously what he did to me
30 The , is one of the most common words in English and , to set up , the , all the time , would be very time consuming , and so this symbol was obviously available to the printer and obviously what it spells out is ye , which you now know from pubs that are called things like Ye Olde erm , Hen , and and that sort of thing .
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