Example sentences of "and [art] [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 I will begin with what I always think is the queerest of the social services , and the one with the strangest story — subsidised housing .
2 Perelandra is the most ambitious of the outer-space stories , and the one with the most single-minded theological aim : nothing less than an imagined temptation-scene between Satan and Eve in which she does not succumb .
3 Rolls-Royce has risen from 14th to fourth ; our participants rated it Britain 's most innovative firm , and the one with the highest-quality products .
4 With some minor deviations — such as Paisley 's preference for fuller integration with the mainland in the early 1970s — the DUP has maintained the image of being the most traditional of the unionist parties and the one with the record of consistent opposition to any changes in the political structures of Northern Ireland which could be seen as compromise with nationalists and republicans .
5 The data can be revealing : one technique which has been used by HMI is to follow two classes in a given year group : the one with the highest attendance and the one with the lowest .
6 Soda water , Priestley thought , was his happiest idea and the one with least scientific merit .
7 Fornara 90A : Pausanias ) , and the site was geographically appropriate because the Persians had landed in 490 not far away at Marathon ; Poseidon meant rule of the sea , and a temple to him at Sounion was a fitting piece of arrogance , visible far out in the Aegean ; Ares was the god of war and Acharnai was the most warlike deme and the one with the most manpower ( Thuc. ii .
8 And the the biscuit box is for your votes and the one with the black label on is is for your money or your commitment or your promises .
9 The second , and the one with which he is still struggling , required him to search for a means of making the pupils less dependent on him for their mathematics .
10 Each shape it sees is compared to a set of stylised representations of the alphabet , and the one with the greatest number of matching parts is chosen as its best guess at the letter the shape is supposed to be .
11 and the one with the axe , who 's trying not to laugh .
12 The last day and the one with the best views .
13 The ion with the higher oxidation number is given the suffix -ic and the one with the lower oxidation number -ous .
14 And the one with the new growth upon it is Skogen … ’
15 And the one with the sense of humour and the one that actually
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