Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] against " in BNC.

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1 At the Party Conference of 1920 , which coalitionists had hoped would approve fusion , it was estimated that about five-eighths of the delegates were in favour of the existence of the coalition , and the rest against it on principle , but that hardly any of them approved its current policies .
2 Canon law , however , gave grounds for supporting that an incompetent king , ‘ rex inutilis ’ , could be required to abdicate , and the articles against the king , which may have been drawn up by the Bishop of Winchester , allege that his ‘ uselessness ’ had brought damage and destruction to the Church , people and realm of England .
3 He translates the ‘ socialism in one country ’ of the one versus the ‘ internationalism ’ of the other into a conflict between his own , now reified and separated , terms of concrete incarnation and abstract universalism : , the revolutionary incarnation chose the singular against the universal and the national against the international' ( II , 223 ) .
4 A priest is the sign of the relationship between Christ and the Church against the background of a covenant expressed in terms of bridegroom and bride .
5 It was not until the 1960s that battle-lines began to be drawn , with Labour in favour of comprehensivization and the Conservatives against ; and even then the Conservatives in central government were not hard-line opponents of this policy in the way that , by the end of the decade , Labour had become hard-line advocates .
6 The complaints led to an investigation by police , trading standards officers and the Federation Against Copyright Theft ( Fact ) .
7 However , the system is by no means universally applied despite the existence of national guidelines and the sanctions against offenders are not nearly tough enough to deter all those whose standards are low or whose intentions in entering a profitable market are dishonourable .
8 With its tirades against the ‘ unnatural alliance ’ between capitalism and Bolshevism , it appealed to the last remaining hope — the belief in the miracle of a split between the eastern and western allies and a new alliance between the Reich and the West against Bolshevism .
9 In addition , a detailed case study of two hotels operated by Commonwealth Holiday Inns of Canada identifies present practices and attitudes , the needs for and the barriers against work flexibility in these hotels .
10 This was a key element in the reorganization of newspaper distribution , associated with the transfer to Wapping and the battle against the ‘ old technology ’ .
11 The Government 's main role is to ensure a sound and stable economic framework within which enterprise can flourish and the battle against inflation can be won .
12 It is also concerned with preventive teratology ( embryological deformities ) such as spina bifida and other neural-tube defects , and the protection against such defects that a course of multivitamin tablets may give before pregnancy .
13 We have become more civilised and more sensitive to the needs of individuals , and more reluctant to pander to prurience : hence our law against naming rape or blackmail victims , the limits on reporting evidence in divorce cases , and the rules against revealing old criminal convictions .
14 Rather than having the whole of the public and the press against us , we gained support .
15 Intensive farming is , after all , in its infancy and the campaigns against it , both in Britain and the USA , have resulted already in remedial legislation on such issues as debeaking , overcrowding , cage sizes , and the use of steroids and other growth promoters .
16 The problem was that the whole thing had become so complex — it was n't only what he was going to do now but there was the stuff back at the club , there was Ashdown and what he knew , there was the whole sorry business of his suspension and the charges against him … taken one piece at a time it seemed bad enough , but taken all together it was far too much for his mind to handle .
17 Draskovic was released on March 12 following further demonstrations on his behalf , and the charges against him were quashed .
18 The trial of Sir Terence and the charges against Sir Joh were indicative of the depth of corruption associated with the National Party 's 30 years in office in Queensland which had ended with the party 's electoral defeat in 1989 .
19 Dodman offered to give evidence against another man whom he claimed had carried out the burglaries , but he was unable to do so because of a mental condition and the charges against the other man were dropped .
20 Dodman had offered to give evidence against another man whom he claimed had carried out the burglaries , but he was unable to do so because of a mental condition and the charges against the other man were dropped .
21 When the issue was put to the vote in the House of Commons we had a majority of 127 and the campaign against us was left in ruins .
22 This strange conjunction of the fiscal necessities of the crown and the campaign against entail would , if implemented , have converted the landed property of the aristocracy into paper assets .
23 To the ministry enlightenment was government property , to be regulated , censored and , if dangerous , rejected : regalism and the campaign against the Inquisition became suspect ; the government and the Inquisition now combined in an effort to search out dangerous books .
24 Party strife undoubtedly reached a peak of intensity under Anne ; the death of Anne 's sole-surviving child , the Duke of Gloucester , in 1700 raised once more questions about the security of the Protestant succession ; religious tensions achieved a new height with the sitting of Convocation in 1701 and the campaign against occasional conformity ; and England 's re-entry into war that year renewed conflict on that front .
25 They called police near their home at Willington , County Durham , for help — and the race against time began .
26 The burglary of the offices of the Democratic National Committee was a harebrained and quite unnecessary enterprise and the case against the president that eventually forced his resignation could never have been constructed without the re-installation of recording devices in the Oval Office .
27 The abuses of the latifundia had been recognized before the systematic criticism of the later eighteenth century and the case against the great estate remained as the emotional drive behind all land reform .
28 The book had been published in March 1990 , and the case against Hamid had previously been dismissed by a civil court in May 1991 .
29 Flame in the Streets approaches the question of both individual and ( working-class ) collective responsibility , and the struggle against racism .
30 These areas are ( i ) the organization of licensing , censorship and other similar forms of control , and the struggle against these ; ( ii ) the organization of the market , both in its aspect as a trading area whose purposes , in expansion and profit , may often be in conflict with otherwise dominant political and cultural authorities , and its aspect as a mechanism for commodities in this especially sensitive field , where inherent calculations of profit and scale may impose tensions with other conceptions of art and , at a different level , impose its own new forms of commercial controls ; and ( iii ) the uneven and changing relations between a received and always to some extent recuperated ‘ popular ’ ( largely oral ) culture and the new forms of standardized and increasingly centralized production and reproduction .
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