Example sentences of "and [adv] [to-vb] to " in BNC.

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1 Most of the teachers lingered a few minutes in the staff room , not from any affection for the place , but to allow the unruly mob of boys to get down the long road that led to Cullbridge , and thence to disperse to the bus station , to Wimpy bars , the library or their various homes .
2 Later , after a deliberately nostalgic and painful visit to St Juliot in March 1913 , he was able to look back at their early days together in ‘ At Castle Boterel ’ , ‘ Beeny Cliff ’ , ‘ The phantom horsewoman ’ , and eventually to come to terms , however imperfectly , with his memories .
3 This situation would be one humdinger of a funny story to tell his city friends over a drink or two — and perhaps to boast to Corosini that he 'd wrapped her around his little finger with a few husky phrases and a glimpse of his superlative body .
4 It had less and less to say to a home-owning , share-owning , bourgeoisified population , at least so it seemed .
5 As the majority ( and Pope Paul too ) was most anxious both to carry the minority with it and not to seem to be in any way undermining the Roman primacy , there was such a lot of qualifying done in the course of the final formulation of the text that , as it stands , it reads a little weakly .
6 Cloke said his instructions on Vaguely Artistic were to sit upsides the favourite , Market Leader , and not to go to the front too quickly .
7 Thousands of school children , all of them well over sixteen , were crammed there into a large tall gilt room , and told not to insult the French , not to talk to Arabs , and not to go to Montmartre : then an English lady stood up and said that Paris had always been for her a source inépuisable de something , and everyone clapped , and then they were all turned out again , rather quickly , for the room was clearly needed for something else .
8 ‘ She decided it would be very much more sensible to conserve her energies for her programme later in the summer and not to go to the races .
9 Throughout both books , the main characters , Celie and Ponyboy true to find themselves — to create their own individuality and not to conform to the stereotypes of their class .
10 Their arguments were listened to and the Highways Department have amended their proposals to stop at Gillespie Cross Roads and not to extend to Juniper Green and Currie .
11 Their arguments were listened to and the Highways Department have amended their proposals to stop at Gillespie Cross Roads and not to extend to Juniper Green and Currie .
12 She had trained them to hold hands , walk straight to school and not to talk to strangers .
13 Accepting that " if the Slovaks want to live in an independent state , they have the right to do so " , he said nevertheless that he saw " no indication " that a majority of Slovaks wanted to secede , and he urged them to remain within the federation and not to succumb to " nationalist narrowmindedness " .
14 If you can afford one , a good plugger can benefit both the artist and the radio station by acting as a fixer for guest appearances , or providing news and creative ideas ; but like everything , some pluggers are better than others , and radio producers usually prefer to exercise their own musical judgement and not to pander to pluggers ' suggestions .
15 If the new husband 's financial status is not acceptable to the mortgagee , so that the mortgagee is only prepared to agree to a conveyance of the property to the wife and new husband if the husband remains liable under the original mortgage , then it would seem reasonable for the husband to comply only with the terms of the court order or matrimonial agreement ( to which of course the new husband is not a party ) and not to convey/transfer to the wife and the new husband .
16 The key , however , will be to move toward a more market-oriented basis and not to look to the government for protection .
17 The local soviets of the Khodjent ( formerly Leninabad ) and Kulyab oblasts ( regions ) voted on May 20 to refuse to recognize the new coalition government and not to contribute to the republic 's resources .
18 They are trained always to check the information files and not to trust to memory .
19 The stoicism with which the Masai endured the harsh circumstances of their lives made a deep impression on the British , and the opportunity to share that hard life and thus to display to some extent their own possession of this admirable quality was part of Masailand 's attraction for many Englishmen .
20 My hope is that with the aid of a little psychology , I might be able ( without becoming abstruse ) to clarify what these fine ideals mean , and thus to contribute to the debate about how they might be best promoted .
21 And the first is to pick up on concealed households and just to add to the points that have already been made that erm neither the House Builders Federation nor ourselves are assuming that all be housed , but the projected number is five thousand whereas we 're housing three thousand odd of them .
22 each Party hereby undertakes to each of the others fully and promptly to communicate to each of the other Parties all such technical information relating to background and results as such other may reasonably require to carry out its respective part of the Project or to which such other Part is entitled pursuant to Clause hereof
23 As the war neared its end , with the imminent prospect of a complete victory for Tito 's forces , all these groups had a common interest to escape and preferably to surrender to the non-Communist allies in Italy or Austria .
24 They will both work hard and urgently to carry to a successful conclusion , if they can , the two processes of which they are in charge — the peace conference at The Hague and the prospects for a UN peacekeeping force .
25 But I shall stop to buy some of those beautiful little slate-green lentils for which the district is famous and which a greedy guest of mine recently proclaimed as good as caviare — and also to telephone to Madame Barattero at the Hotel du Midi at Lamastre to say we are coming for dinner .
26 He decided that operations in the first instance were to be confined chiefly to level driving at Paddy Etid ( the Levers Water side of the grant ) , and also to cross-cut to the Bonsor Vein both in , and below , Red Dell .
27 Local authorities still have the right to decide individual items of expenditure within this overall block , and also to resort to local sources of finance .
28 She nodded and turned to go and take care of the passengers , and the James Winterbourne character came out to meet her and also to talk to Zak .
29 An important feature was the establishment of specific aircraft performance requirements , that is to say the ability of an aircraft to be able to take off in given circumstances within a specified distance and also to come to a stop after landing in not more than a specified length of runway .
30 It would be helpful to David Wilson to know if either of the organisations named above or any other similar organisation has been in touch with you or any of your staff and also to indicate to him the nature of this contact and details of what was being offered .
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