Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] who " in BNC.

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1 primarily and fundamentally one who is friendly , a good mixer , of sound character and having much commonsense ; she must be patient , not easily put out by misbehaviour or pressure of work , remaining calm at all times ; she must like children and be tolerant of them and their ways and also of her colleagues ; she must be willing to turn her hand to any job that needs to be done in the department even if it is normally done by people junior to herself .
2 It is you and only you who , by accepting your condition , create insurmountable walls .
3 True , it is the people at the bottom of the ladder and below it who benefit from Mr Smith 's thin tax cuts but £100 a year helps little — and the saving would be more than eliminated by an upward move in mortgage rates .
4 She should have been , would have been , indeed , originally it had been Cara and not her who had been going to make the trip to Czechoslovakia alone .
5 Few alternative therapies are available on the NHS , so you may have to find a practitioner yourself — and not everyone who practises complementary medicine is adequately trained .
6 And not everyone who has a lawn uses a petrol mower !
7 This approach has the advantage of providing detailed data about the nature and severity of illness in society , but it suffers from the obvious drawback that not everyone who is ill seeks or receives medical treatment and not everyone who seeks medical treatment is necessarily ill .
8 What had happened , because his holidays coincided with mine , was that my father had become my mother as well as my father , in the sense that it was he and not she who was always at home .
9 ‘ You forget that , as her husband , it is he and not she who will take possession of the money . ’
10 ‘ Will nothing convince you that it is I and not he who is trying to escape ? ’
11 Pascal captures the negative side when he writes , ‘ Doubt then is an unhappy state , but there is an indispensable duty to seek in doubt , and thus anyone who doubts and does not seek is at once unhappy and in the wrong . ’
12 And possibly someone who was trying to help them .
13 Apart from some general points , listed here ( as well as scattered elsewhere in the book where especially relevant , such as in Chapter 10 , Starting Your Own Business ) , giving tax planning advice is the job for a specialist ; and moreover one who is fully conversant with your financial affairs , so that he can advise in the light of your own particular circumstances .
14 They were glazed with ribbed glass , you could see quite a lot of them on Chipping Field , still , er and nearly everyone who 's bought their houses have altered the doors , but a lot of people have put these wooden doors in you know
15 Steven Isserlis has said that he needs ‘ a safety net not to have to worry whether I 've ever played this or that bar properly during the session and also someone who knows the kind of musical personality I am and whether I have covered a particular stretch of music the way I would want .
16 She addressed a group of clergy from the Diocese , sharing with them her experiences of bereavement as a religious , a hospital chaplain , a nurse , and also someone who has done research into the needs of the bereaved .
17 And virtually everybody who joins the Options Agency has a positive outcome to more than one in some cases , er in so far as that agency is concerned .
18 A curfew was imposed after nightfall , but it was ill-observed , and almost anyone who had a reasonable excuse was permitted to walk the streets without hindrance .
19 : The MU has 40,000 members , with offices and branches throughout the UR , and almost anybody who is either a performer or a composer of music is a member of the MU .
20 He may be able to command as large an audience as anyone , yet he remains one of the least showy of performers , preserving a musical integrity and discrimination that deserved a better conductor than Elio Boncompagni , and certainly one who might have persuaded more sophisticated playing from a dispirited Royal Philharmonic .
21 In making this break with tradition , James , it seems , had come to the conclusion that it was time for the intellectual elite to shut up and listen to the workers for a change for it was they who were at the sharp end of the production system and therefore they who first sensed any changes in patterns of production .
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