Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If relearning to walk safely takes several months , going out in a wheelchair alone can prevent the patient from feeling too housebound and frustratingly dependent on other people for his mobility .
2 That was a part of the Horton and Banstead strategy and wholly consistent with its philosophy of local care ’ .
3 Johnson admired Boece , not for his historical accuracy , but for his prose and intellectual style , ‘ formed with great diligence upon ancient models , and wholly uninfected with monastic barbarity ’ .
4 The quartet of soloists is completed by Adrian Martin 's likeable Ernesto , overcoming an earlier vocal malaise and wholly admirable in his Act 3 Serenade .
5 The fall of birds is meant to be seen as quite ridiculous and wholly supernatural in its proportions .
6 It was ludicrously swollen , unnecessarily big and wholly obstructive to anything that looked like a new idea .
7 Questions of defence policy are vast , complicated , confidential , and wholly unsuited for ventilation before a jury .
8 It is also the meaning of the doctrine that he alone was perfect and wholly free from sin .
9 But they are still highly circumscribed in their authority , and wholly dependent upon their salaried employment .
10 ‘ Everybody is excited about the UN order as it 's a first for us and tremendously important for the future , ’ said .
11 Although displaced by 70 seaters in the Bexley area , the 60 seaters were retained to the end in the Croydon area , Nos. 64–93 and latterly all of the 489–493 batch .
12 In the case of Piratin v IRC [ 1981 ] STC 441 , the court dealt with the provisions of TA 1988 , s677 and the judge referred to one of the contentions of the taxpayer that insurance premiums payable on the life of the settlor for the protection of the trust fund were an expense of the trustees and properly chargeable to income .
13 They made up the double bed in William and Kate 's room , which was the best room in the house , overlooking the back garden and mercifully free from images of death , destruction and eternal torment , which presumably meant that William had been kept out of it , at least so far as the decor was concerned .
14 He seemed in good spirits and mercifully oblivious of her torment .
15 It may seem harsh and blatantly unfair to outsiders , but this is the way things work in Japan .
16 A Hungarian living in Edinburgh taped the pronunciation of difficult place names and luckily one of our team had lived in Hungary , so had a wealth of background information .
17 For parasites whose offspring infect the offspring of their host ( vertical transmission ) , any behaviour by the parasite that decreases the fecundity of its host ( and thereby that of the parasite itself ) is unlikely to be favoured by natural selection .
18 Whenever her husband was away , he pressed dinner invitations on her , always in the company of friends , and thereby immune to suggestion or danger .
19 By subjecting the curriculum contents of higher education to criticism , we subject much of society 's cognitive structure ( and thereby much of modern society itself ) to criticism .
20 Here is a most revealing instance of the way a difference within the same , teleologically construed , can make a great deal of difference : in effect a difference of degree can be as real as a difference of kind but in a different way : the lesser is inferior and thereby inimical in a way the antithetical can not be , and the same becomes more ditferent than difference itself .
21 At death a series of rites enabled the pharaoh himself to become Osiris and thereby safe from the depredations of time .
22 President Bush 's administration has revealed its plan to save the Pacific Northwest 's spotted owl , and thereby some of the " old growth " forests which are its homeland .
23 Psychotic illness itself is frequently a discontinuous event and mostly inimical to organised thought .
24 It also seems likely that Wagner , thirty-one years Nietzsche 's senior and born in the same year as Nietzsche 's long dead father , was in some sense a father-figure and additionally attractive on this account .
25 She combined this with bringing up her family of four , becoming lecturer and eventually Fellow of St. Anne 's , working in the sub-faculty of Ancient History .
26 Anyway things got quite hot and eventually one of the guides was sent over to talk to the Indians and the word came back that they would n't share their camp with us anyway , which is quite funny I suppose .
27 The men of the Old World were determined mariners and eventually some of their ships found a route to Ulthuan .
28 The RNA working copies drift around the interior of the cells , and eventually some of them bump into protein-making machines called ribosomes .
29 He chose a subject for his PhD — the idea of the Sublime in Romantic poetics — which sounded reassuringly serious to the traditionalists and off-puttingly dry to the Young Turks , but which neither party knew much about , so Charles was not drawn into the front-line controversy in his own research .
30 The Scarman Report , for example , contained the following policy proposal : ‘ I recommend that local communities must be fully and effectively involved in planning , in the provision of local services , and in the management and financing of specific projects , ( Scarman , 1981 , para. 8.44 ) .
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