Example sentences of "and [pron] get [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There were 17 players in the team and everyone got on the pitch at some point during the game , ’ he added .
2 There 's blood in your body , and I get to thinking about what would happen if your blood froze .
3 And I get into kinks , coughing
4 and go and I tack up the horse and I get on the horse and everything and I do n't mean to say
5 I had strap many times , I remember once , on my desk , in my desk , they were lift up desks at the time , and it it and it was teacher was a grand fellow , and I got under my desk , underneath my desk , written underneath it , erm God helps them that helps themselves , but God help them that I catch in this desk .
6 He and I got into a bit of a squabble .
7 P. E. A man dropped dead in front of me on the street and I took him to the mortuary and I got into trouble over it because I did n't search the body properly .
8 The chauffeur had the night off , he was celebrating down in Basildon , so Babs and I got into my Porsche and headed off to Ealing .
9 So he came round to use mine and to be honest I did n't have too much interest in punk rock at the time but did this fanzine for 12 issues and I got into it .
10 painting the kitchen once and I got into so much trouble it took him so long to rub it all off and start again , he made me promise I 'd never touch a paint brush again but he I mean , he would definitely be able to tell you what paint he used and
11 Dr Haidar went off to talk to Mr Postman and I got into conversation with Mr Bhajan Lal , the Pradhan ( headman ) of the village .
12 Er I 'd always wanted to act even as a kid of fifteen sixteen er and I got into singing before I went into acting and so acting s see that seemed to be a good period to break my life and start again .
13 You know , it 's like I 'm suddenly there , just sort of plonked down in a place and I got to really struggle to remember how I got there .
14 My one ambition had been to be a pro , and I got to ten handicap .
15 T. D. I was on the beat round Stanley Hospital and I got to this point at four o'clock on the Saturday morning .
16 And he revealed : ‘ We met by accident just recently and I got to talking to him about Indy .
17 ‘ Connors and I got to the hotel just as your boys were leaving , ’ I continued .
18 I was drained after meeting Normandin and when Mary and I got to Roger Auque 's hotel , it was almost a relief to find that he was out .
19 And of course they go up here beautiful and I was going to take this apple and they 're all gon na fall and I got to that , Jesus it just about .
20 The rest was easy and I got to within a hundred yards .
21 I said , no , and she said oh I have lots of times , I only live at Manchester , you see , and of course , you had to go by boat you see , and I caught the boat train from Ipswich at eight o'clock in the morning and I got to Manchester at lunchtime about one and then went on to Liverpool and the train there took us almost down to the docks .
22 I went into one house and er you so I came in and I got to about sort of I do n't know , roughly there I think it was and she said , do you have any objection to cats ?
23 ‘ Fortunately the traffic cleared and I got to the studio to start my show with two minutes to go . ’
24 And I got to ten seven on that .
25 then I went , I went into town a bit later on , come down Manstral Road and there was like a load of traffic there and I got to where the traffic lights are just before you get to the big turning at Manstral Road
26 As well as observing the score 's incredible organization of its thematic riches — ‘ I tried to work out a little table of leitmotifs and I got past 70 , which is amazing in an opera ’ — Maazel discovered in rehearsal just how well thought out Puccini 's orchestration actually is .
27 ‘ Well , I did get a bit depressed at times … and I got through a few pairs of shoes . ’
28 He used to niggle at me for being a capitalist farmer and I got at him for being an unemployed commie .
29 So we managed to get the lorry out and I got on the ‘ phone to Bristol University .
30 Helen and I got in front .
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