Example sentences of "and [pron] [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In company with Geoff Thomas , Andy has made the Palace midfield one of the most respected in the country and everyone who witnessed our FA Cup semi-final and 1st Division victories over Liverpool in 1990 will recall with pleasure the manner in which the Palace pair dominated their illustrious opponents .
2 When Zweig would n't come , Strauss lost his temper and wrote the famous letter attacking all politicians and everyone who lets politics get in the way of art .
3 It had already been decided that Hayling was to remain as chief executive , and everyone who had been doing a specific job for the company was invited to carry on .
4 Of course there is a deterring-effect if one knows that one 's going to go not into a discussion where various points of view will be weighed and gradually a view may be achieved , but into a huge argument where tremendous battle lines will be drawn up and everyone who does n't fall in line will be hit on the head .
5 Then I arranged a wake and everyone who came to the wake contributed .
6 They were great champions and everyone who saw them on the ice thought they were lovers .
7 ‘ She was a very brave girl and everyone who knew her admired her spirit .
8 Lucy has planned a special Mass as a thank-you to hospital staff , medical and fire crews and everyone who sent goodwill cards .
9 Responsibility for waste will rest on the person who produces it , and everyone who handles it through to the process of disposal or reclamation .
10 That the little girl who had sat on her granny 's knee and smiled and laughed , would grow up to give herself to anyone and everyone who asked her ?
11 Everything about this book is pleasing , and everyone who has been involved with its creation deserves the greatest praise .
12 And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself ’ ( 1 John 3:2f ) .
13 The planner is endorsed by Peter Alliss who stated , " This excellent new planner will appeal to all golfers , invaluable for those in golf administration and everyone who follows the game . "
14 He made no reference to the separation and everyone who spoke to him avoided the subject .
15 With its finances balanced precariously , with Ministry restrictions on the appointment of tutor-organisers and the withdrawal of some of the university 's resident tutors , it had to rely heavily on voluntary effort — and no-one who reads the branch or Federation literature of this period can fail to be moved by the zealous commitment of ordinary WEA members , a commitment based upon the sheer love of learning and an earnest desire to offer something worthwhile to society .
16 It is one of the wonders of the known world and no-one who has ever visited it can forget it .
17 The supplier had a number of names and no-one who dealt with him knew , or cared to know , which was the real one .
18 Both of us went down and rolled off the hard , wet pavement into the gutter , but it was me who cracked the back of his head en route and me who got a boot in the stomach which even my US Navy parka did little to cushion .
19 After all , it is you and me who end up paying .
20 And me who 's been firing a gun from when I was practically able to walk .
21 But who knows out of the 20,000 people who visited the event this year , there may be similar people to my brother and me who enjoy music to the full and who could be in the top three next year !
22 A week ago I saw a monkey in the street jump on a donkey and try to wank him off — the donkey brayed and kicked , the monkey 's owner shouted , the monkey itself squealed — apart from two or three children who laughed and me who found it very funny , no one paid any attention .
23 School and college for Robert divided us anyway , and it was Ann and I who spent all our time together .
24 And it was and I who wanted to see it in the first place .
25 But Altman 's biggest victims , you sense , are ordinary Joes like you and I who feed the arrogance of these dreamworld fat cats .
26 John Tutchin , himself a Nonconformist and someone who had been involved in Monmouth 's rebellion , frequently attacked the High Church lower clergy in his Whig periodical , The Observator , but was prepared to defend the Church hierarchy , saying that we had " the best set of Bishops that ever England yet knew " .
27 And someone who had come into the district recently .
28 I 'd promised myself not even to think about Julie Burchill again , let alone mention her ( yeah , right on , Camille , we 're rootin' for ya ) , but I must say that I agree with her that the Best of Young British list would have improved by the addition of an American and someone who 'd written a non-fiction book about football .
29 I go about in a wheelchair and someone who pushes it very often goes into a shop and says , ‘ Look here , you have bought rather a lot of things I think you had better give a cheque for them — now I ? I write the cheque out , dear , and you shall sign it . ’
30 The first tutorial was on Saturday and someone who hopes to get something out of the course over the next 6 months is assistant medical administrator in Oxford Claire Flanagan .
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