Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb -s] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 his colleague replies , and everyone hums and tuts .
2 And everyone knows that such ‘ idol-worshippers ’ abound in the ‘ East ’ .
3 And everyone knows that Siban has no desire to sit on the Dragon Throne .
4 And everyone knows that really he is advising medieval kings and nineteenth-century Prime Ministers .
5 The fact of the matter is , carp are an endangered species , and everyone knows that the only diet they will accept if the winter has been especially harsh and the spring turns wet before St Oursin 's Day is that of young minced Wolf Cub .
6 It were getting on late and I says and er were there , oh we 'll walk you home Sarah said alright then says come on let's go through woods .
7 So this is , what got me a bit suspicious right , well I speaking to her and all and I said , well you know , this is it and , you know she said she knows George is , is meant to be coming up and I said look and I says and I 'm gon na go down onto the floor here , and just as I was to go onto the floor there was a phone call right , and it was Alice .
8 so , anyway , I just , we 've got it down on the floor and I says if we had a brown suite
9 And I goes but I had to , I had to , I goes why ?
10 And I goes and I goes , yeah .
11 Because , although it 's before nine erm , the next morning erm you 're actually giving them now more lead time , you 've given them another day because an , sometime tomorrow you know , if it gets there at two o'clock and it 's off-loading in in in at the bay and someone checks that it 's been received and then someone makes a phone call to tell them it 's there , and then they 're doing something else , and then they come down and have a look at it , how many boxes do you think are sitting on loading bays that do n't get looked at for a day or two , or three , or four , five when they 've had a next day service ?
12 The attendance against Middlesbrough yesterday of 25,093 was lower than expected and its seems that most supporter with the necessary three vouchers and Gold Cards will qualify for Cup final tickets .
13 During software installation you decide whether each machine is to be a server or a workstation and which drives and devices are to be made accessible to the network .
14 So far we have considered the development of marriage blueprints in a way which does not take account of sexual differences and which assumes that learning takes place in the context of a two-person relationship , principally between a child and one or other of his parents .
15 It is also confusion between a proper assurance based on experience and the insight deriving from it , and the dogmatism which so easily follows but is distinct from it , and which insists that what we happen to know is the only thing that matters — what others have discovered or had revealed to them is unimportant .
16 There is an important strand in English thought , which is traceable to Hobbes 's idea of civitas , and which believes that the only way to preserve society is by acknowledging a perpetual sovereign power .
17 Seeking through German unity to contribute to the unification of Europe and to the building of a peaceful European order in which borders no longer divide and which ensures that all European nations can live together in a spirit of mutual trust ,
18 The process of rehearsal draws upon a training which often reaches back into the singer 's boyhood , which provides him with the directed quickness of mind and the vocal stamina he requires , and which ensures that the choral results are generally quite passable and are sometimes excellent despite the constant absences , deputizations , hirings and firings that always threaten the homogeneity of what can be achieved .
19 What these approaches have most in common , however , is that they challenge a view of education which is concerned only with male experience , and which treats that experience as the ‘ norm ’ .
20 There is a system of spatio-temporal relations in which we ourselves have a place and which provides that unified framework within which every particular is uniquely related to every other , and where the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity has a perfectly valid and immediately intelligible application .
21 Ours is thought to be a multi-faith , multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society , one in which diversity of life-style flourishes and which tolerates and fosters social and individual differences .
22 Davin , whatever his limitations , is standing on and in an Irishness which can be and is described and mapped , which is not a neutral zone , and which feeds and is fed by a language .
23 While Morgan is especially interested in the gens as a stage in the history of kinship which predates the appearance of the family , and which shows that matrilineal descent preceded patrilineal descent , Marx stresses rather its significance as proof of the existence of organizing principles ( especially as regards property ) which were opposite to those of capitalism .
24 Anything other than an uncritical acceptance is a direct challenge to the idea of the rule of law which has sustained the police since their inception and which argues that the replication of a known system of order is the best means of containing those who need to be controlled .
25 Does that happen when you 're say , your extension rings , and somebody rings and in fact nothing happens .
26 Some alien imports are quickly acclimatised into artistic traditions that last for decades or centuries , and nobody bothers if most of Shakespeare 's sources were continental , if porcelain came to England from China by way of Saxony , or if almost all the literary kinds the English tradition has excelled in , excepting only the detective story , have been borrowed from abroad .
27 Anyone who is interested in the human side of innovation , and who suspects that the management of change is a subtle business , about which there is always more to be learned , might find something useful here .
28 The administration consists of an executive President who is directly elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term , and who appoints and presides over a Council of Ministers .
29 The Constitution provides for an executive President who is directly elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term , and who appoints and presides over a Council of Ministers .
30 In The Social Contract ( 1762 ) Rousseau had advocated such a religion , to be maintained by the state , and to include five articles of faith : the existence of a divinity who is omnipotent , intelligent and benevolent , and who foresees and provides ; the future life ; the happiness of the good ; the punishment of the wicked ; and the sanctity of the ‘ social contract ’ ( on which society itself is based ) and of the law .
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