Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 They say he walked to the centre of the Sun Chamber , and that as he did so , the disguise fell from him , and everyone saw him for what he really was .
2 Then , in 1964 he won the Masters again and everyone expected him at St Andrews for the Open Championship .
3 The husband was called Jack , and everyone called him by his first name , but for some reason one always called his wife Mrs Thwaites , although we all knew her Christian name was Margaret .
4 He got spoiled with Mrs Sargent always buying him things and everyone letting him do what he wanted .
5 He 's the epitome of the extrovert , he knows everyone and everyone knows him . ’
6 Everyone remembered him as a big man in all senses but not as a good headmaster except that he liked everyone and everyone liked him and in chapel he was a superlative speaker .
7 In the event of trouble , remove the villain , let the other fish settle for a few days and them put him back .
8 ‘ Come in , Hari , sure Cleg will be that glad to see you , he 's been wearing his brother 's boots to work in and them pinching him like the devil . ’
9 He hated to see a dripping tap , and nothing made him angrier than Blackpool Tower blazing with , what to him was , utterly squandered energy .
10 He is a ‘ movie ’ man ; and nothing does him greater credit than his energetic campaign to get Kodak to mend their stock , so that colour-films of the past do not automatically fade and turn green .
11 ‘ A half-pay lieutenant , with no family connections , and nothing to recommend him but his pretty face ?
12 He was no respecter of persons or institutions or ideas just because they were vested with a brief authority , and nothing gave him more pleasure than to prick the bubble of pretension .
13 Under his guidance , Parliament House was transformed from a nineteenth-century warren into a modern court-house and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to explore , and share with others , its secrets and treasures .
14 ‘ It 's just that Luke invited Heather and me to join him and his friends for dinner last night .
15 Mostly about him bein' bad and me watchin' him , like .
16 Would he 've had time to take it home in between stealing it and me finding him ?
17 Elton does n't deserve to be called the worst , he 's very stylish and I dress him for the country .
18 I did n't know him very well and I despised him for being well behaved and creeping around telling stories about me .
19 So , we toast the railway station and I tell him the only Czech joke I know .
20 He asks if he should and I tell him , ‘ Yes , that is part of sharing ’ . ’
21 I tell the DI why ; I tell him about two more betrayals ; about the commanding officer who had let men die to cover up his own inadequacy ( or at least Andy believed he had , which was all that mattered ) , and I tell him about the locum doctor who could n't be bothered to attend a patient and then , when he eventually did pay a visit , just assumed her pain was something trivial .
22 ‘ Everything all right outside ? ’ he asks , and I tell him I checked before coming in .
23 We go a hundred yards and I tell him to stop .
24 He was absolutely right in that respect and I remember him delivering this homily at The Three Tuns and the people receiving it in a rather stony silence because they were not used to being lectured .
25 Ken Clarke was my minister of roads and I remember him coming back on more than one occasion with steam coming out of his ears .
26 And I remember him very well , I remember him still .
27 I think that James knew in his heart that Niki was a more complete driver than himself and I remember him saying back then that while he was taking himself more seriously every race that went by , he knew that , compared to Niki , he was still the less ‘ thoughtful ’ and the more ‘ instinctive ’ driver .
28 ‘ I asked him what his impression was of the University and I remember him looking at me and saying : ‘ Very friendly , very prosperous and doing very well ’ .
29 I tried to improve it and I remember him screaming at me in the street after the first-night party in London . ’
30 And I remember him once leaving up there with eleven .
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