Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 She was really fucked out of her head , totally , an and everyone says how randy she is , it 's quite funny .
2 She was a longstanding institution in the place and her shortcomings tended to be overlooked because she looked after an elderly invalid mother at home and everyone wondered how she managed her dual responsibilities .
3 A lot of players would simply set-up and hit the ball directly at the flag , and them wonder why they did n't get the ball close .
4 The mortar just appeared in an anonymous donation and no-one knows where it came from .
5 Summer 's here , hemlines are high : it 's time to put your best foot forward and show off your perfectly dressed legs — and no-one knows how to flatter them more perfectly than Pretty Polly .
6 And no-one realises how much charity work he does .
7 Yeah and me look how much I 've eaten .
8 Not for the likes of you and me to question why . ’
9 Runaways were commonplace , and I remember when a bull , on its way back to Milford Station , thought enough was enough , broke free and terrorised the neighbouring streets for about half-an-hour before recapture .
10 He would also give those away , and I remember when my poor father died he brought down one , if not two , lovely lilies which Mother put in a slender silver vase .
11 My tutor was a delightful stern lady , and I remember when I had written about John 's gospel , the epistles of John , and the book of Revelation , she looked at me over the top of her spectacles and announced ‘ Young man , you have assumed that because these books have all been attributed to a man named John , that they are all by the same person , who was also an apostle .
12 And I remember when I was a nipper , er er being up there and they had , they always had a box in the back of their caravan where they kept two or three hens , and , and , and er they used to have this game bird .
13 I was n't always a successful businessman and I remember where I come from . ’
14 Whenever I get depressed I get gigs and I remember why I 'm a musician .
15 ‘ Whenever I get depressed I get gigs and I remember why I 'm a musician . ’
16 I first met ‘ Steve ’ Brodie on a visit to Toronto when we were both sitting in on a broadcast featuring Percy Faith and his orchestra , and I remember how we both were enthralled by Percy 's arrangement of ‘ Beyond the Blue Horizon ’ .
17 I was about five when Dad started taking me with him when he went off to the allotment and I remember how , on a Wednesday evening , we went to Johnny Lampard 's yard in Exeter Street .
18 And I like how they 're always half dressed .
19 I set up the and I like how its done
20 And I mean whenever there was one in the flats , you could hear it probably throughout the whole complex .
21 telephones and I mean how is it for telephones ?
22 He sat on the examination table in his underpants , and I noticed how desperately thin he was getting .
23 The sun was now high and I noticed how very beautiful were the surroundings .
24 Clinton smiled and I noticed how white and even his teeth were .
25 And I heard how the music acquired a force his understanding lacked .
26 ‘ It was a photograph of Mark and I heard how he 'd qualified as a chiropractor and set up in Falmouth where it 's uphill work .
27 But I can see that you are bewildered , and I know why .
28 I 've no doubt you 'll ‘ take care of me ’ … and I know why , you canny bastard ! ’
29 " but I know what 's going on , and I know why I 'm here and why you 're here .
30 And I know why , Merrill thought derisively .
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