Example sentences of "and [adj] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to note that homologous structures do n't have to look the same , and that structures that look the same do n't have to be homologous .
2 People that you knew , you know , getting wires and that to say that their menfolk had either been killed or were missing or some like that .
3 Also peasants joining the mutual aid teams feared that erm it would hinder their opportunities of working in other forms of erm er getting other forms of income and that says that only twelve point six percent of the total farming households in Penang , which was quite a progressive place for mutual aid erm teams , er erm were members of MATs in nineteen fifty two .
4 We have also followed his preparations for the world title bout with Karpov , some of us , it must be confessed , with a certain amount of incredulity , since , however much these world championship matches are now dependent on stamina rather than brilliance , it has struck more than a few people that a chess player is not a footballer , in particular a fifty-year-old self-exiled Russian Grandmaster is not a footballer , and that to think that by training like one he will become as fit is not only an illusion , it is a dangerous illusion .
5 And that means that all these questions you are jumping in with will be answered as part of the statement I am here to make .
6 This is understandable for actual evidence can be only archaeological , and that means that such evidence would have to be of a concrete nature .
7 Held in the way described , it can not move its front legs and that means that it is unable to scratch you even should it want to .
8 If he runs for President next year then he 's got to be clean , and that means that the issue of his drug-sodden kids will have to be defused .
9 And that means that the insurance premiums should be cheaper — at between 2% and 3% of the capital at risk — than the 3%-plus normally charged by private political risk providers .
10 My son was murdered , and that means that there are certain facts the police will make it their business to discover . ’
11 Apart from its limited spatial resolution the main disadvantage of this technique is that , for it to be safe , it has to be done with isotopes with extraordinarily short half-lives and that means that they have to be prepared on site .
12 And that means that even the AS/400 is potentially at risk , and can only continue to be a winner if IBM builds in a big discount to compensate for the fact that it is proprietary — yet instead of recognising this vulnerability , with its incredible but consistent short-termism , the company is squeezing AS/400 users until they squeal with its software pricing on the machine .
13 and that means that I can photocopy them for half the price .
14 [ There was discrimination ] not directly , but in subtle ways , like when you 're choosing your options , no matter what you 're doing there 's always a group where you can do cookery or needlework , but if you 're doing physics you have to put that down , and that means that you ca n't do something else that you might want to do , like history or something ; you 've got to make a positive choice to do science whereas it 's quite easy to drift into doing history and things like that .
15 And that means that from then on your life is n't your own , you do n't do what you want to do , you do what you believe God is telling you to do and you try to live by what the bible says and you pray about any important decision you make and then , when God has shown you what the right thing is to do , even when you 're going through very hard times , you know that you 're there because that 's where God wants you to be and that gives you faith to carry on .
16 Er and that means that there are sixteen different preference combinations y you know that
17 It 's not all negative , of course , I mean the fact is we 've got low underlying inflation at the moment , and that means that i a seven percent return and if the inflation rate 's less than three , you 're actually , it 's , it 's really reasonably profitable .
18 And that means that er you know the indexation has actually worked very well .
19 You do n't let yourself into someone else 's flat to use the telephone unless you are quite certain that he wo n't be coming back while you 're there , and that means that you know he is far enough away for you to be safe .
20 The person who is out in the front teaching the class , or directing the piece of work they 're doing , they do , and everybody in it does … the kind of work we do is to do with a group of people … getting into a drama studio , and you know the set-up here ; there 's no uniform , there 's no ‘ Sir ’ or ‘ Miss ’ , it 's all Christian names , and that means that the holds are broken down a lot , so what is done in the end is to produce work which we hope makes statements which come from the pre-occupations , the beliefs , the honestly held beliefs of the people involved , whether they 're working from a text , an interpretation of a text , or whether they 're working from improvisation , doing their own work … so they get constant assessment from that .
21 And that means that there is scope for improving the position just by doing it right . ’
22 We do n't ever REVIEW beta test software — there 's just too much that can change between us seeing early versions and the code being finalised , and that means that what you see reviewed might not be what you will buy .
23 And that means that a day of universal socialism will dawn .
24 I am perfectly entitled to make my own decisions and that means that I 'll damn well hitch-hike if I want to ! ’
25 And that means that you do not have a table surrounded by chairs — except , of course , when you are actually going to use it for eating .
26 We have seen significant changes world wide and that means that we should reappraise the amount of money that we devote to the diplomatic corps and to our aid budget .
27 Q P16 we are going to move on from then , unless there are any other comments on Q P16 , Rita is going to attempt to redraft and draw together material from previous procedures , and that means that adjustments of previous procedures you will be able to sign , and finalise them .
28 One six zero zero four are not even anything you want to rest on , fundamental problems are each treatment , the processes , and erm distortion of thin rings , which as them er , er , er , an issue when it goes to face grinding , in as much as because of the distortion you get all those lever locks stuck on , and you got to do about twenty passes on t' face grinder rather than two , and that means that we 've got an equipment out of balance in the factory , because er , it 's got , you know , so there 's quite a lot of investment
29 But there was a costed projection of eleven point two million in that , you 're not funding that eleven point two million projection , and we need to look underneath , to what that means , and that means that you 're not funding schools , and that is particularly secondary schools , to the extent of a one million pound shortfall because the increase in pupil numbers .
30 Okay , what we 'll do then is get you to sign this form here , we call it a green form fairly obviously from its colour and that means that I can do up to erm about eighty six pounds worth of er a bit more depending on on what we have to do , and you do n't have to pay us anything towards that .
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