Example sentences of "and [verb] off the " in BNC.

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1 It was thought likely that some substantial Teesdale farmer might buy all three , ranch the land and sell off the house as a weekend cottage — a regrettably common practice which has been partially responsible for the steady depopulation of the Dales , particularly the more isolated places .
2 Thus , the total quantity of pollution is regulated , but firms that can cheaply reduce pollution have an incentive to do so , and sell off the ERC to firms for which pollution reduction is more expensive .
3 To Hazel , it seemed a likely place for a weasel : or the white owl , perhaps , might fly along the escarpment at twilight , looking inwards with its stony eyes , ready to turn a few feet sideways and pick off the shelf anything that moved .
4 In the terrible battle that followed many Dark Elves were driven howling with hatred and fear off the cliff tops .
5 Just fill in and send off the Free Trial Card .
6 Dip a quarter-of-an-inch of the rooting end into hormone rooting powder and tap off the excess .
7 Do n't buy silver-top and skim off the cream yourself , because this does n't provide an equivalent calorie saving .
8 All she wanted was to turn the clock back and shrug off the ghastly realisation that her marriage was not what she 'd thought it was .
9 Scrub the celeriac and peel off the skin .
10 Or , in Sainsbury-ad speak : Take one chunk of human and peel off the outer layers .
11 ( x ) Remove each grid in turn and wash off the stain with running drops of CO2-free double-distilled water .
12 Then we run tepid water and wash off the dried blood .
13 The blame fell on pollution ; not the clouds of smoke and occasional waves of sulphur dioxide which were known to drift up from the industrial valleys of the Ruhr and kill off the sensitive firs , but the more insidious long-term changes implied by acid rain .
14 They knew that in another day or two they would not even have to charge the ramparts ; they would merely have to step over them and kill off the garrison as they pleased .
15 The CNAA made ‘ a tacit political bargain with the DES … for the CNAA to have had a dagger in its hand and kill off the government scheme would not have done ’ .
16 The Spanish off-road course had a slippery surface , rather than seriously deep mud , but with a tyre-scrabbling incline that needed everything locked , it was sufficient to play the variations and show off the advantages .
17 A few carefully placed lamps will provide atmosphere and show off the surrounding plants .
18 Beyond that there is the sheer cost involved in visiting all of its customers and replacing the BT box on their wall with another , more expensive one and writing off the old analogue exchange line cards .
19 I know they can be affected by wind and frost and it turns the leaves brown and kills off the buds , but why is only one affected ?
20 Long walks by the sea were needed to shake it all down and shake off the pounds that could so easily accumulate .
21 Some of those who stuck with the rebellion had to force their way through the Tory crowd and shake off the intimidation .
22 Tie tall plants to their supports as they grow , and break off the tips of the main shoot of plants you want to be bushy , just above a leaf or pair of leaves , when they are a few cm ( in ) tall ; basil , rosemary , hyssop , marjoram , mint , sage and savory are some of these .
23 Swiftly , she swallowed her ire and , taking a steadying breath , ‘ Well , ’ she began , ‘ so far as I know — and I could be wrong — I believe it has something to do with years back when a tradesman was dismissed , he would pack his tools in the sack he carried them in , and walk off the job . ’
24 Their single-minded preoccupation , you see , is to hang on to their present decade and hold off the Rubicon-crossing birthday beyond which grandmotherhood and whiskered chins threaten to throttle the last vestiges of good-time glamour .
25 At the time of Cats , for example , there were lots of offers to turn that into a film , but his instinct was to keep it as a musical play and hold off the film offers .
26 But the yobs managed to break in and snap off the ‘ flying lady ’ emblem .
27 Given a large corpse of anything on the bottom of the Amazon or even the Thames , most fish will ‘ attack ’ and gnaw off the odd bit .
28 Using this phenomenon I evolved a design that appeals to my sense of aesthetics , based on simple sections of a hollow sphere , and shows off the grain of the wood to best advantage .
29 During the countless terrifying minutes before she managed to wriggle free and scramble off the bench , Isabel neither knew nor cared whether it was she or his fever that had caused fitzAlan 's loss of consciousness .
30 7 & 8/ ( ABOVE AND ON FOLLOWING PAGE ) The final stage is to add the detail on some of the smaller branches , and finish off the background with finer detail .
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