Example sentences of "and [verb] them [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Heads could make better use of their time by paying attention to those encouraging little friendly attributes , searching for the successes of others and praising them shamelessly .
2 Practitioners of such technically adept management , the new ‘ professional managers ’ of United States business schools , have recently been lambasted both for their failure to conceive strategies and to implement them as well as for their systematic choice of self-defeating strategies ( Hayes and Abernathy , 1980 ; see also Hayes and Wheelwright , 1984 ; Hayes et al. , 1988 ) .
3 Both philology and Catholicism are here presented as ‘ languages ’ which Julia is unable to master because she wants to question them and change them rather than accept their inherent systematicity .
4 we 're prepared to look at the the client reports and change them so that they become as good as we , we can get them .
5 It was a common thing to find people searching the garbage heaps for orange peel , old bones or other refuse , and eating them greedily when found .
6 Mrs Hollidaye took off her leather gloves and laid them neatly on top of her handbag on the pew beside her , straightened her hat and unhooked a cushion which hung from a brass hook beneath the shelf .
7 Very slowly she took the headphones off and laid them carefully on the table , her eyes never leaving Luke 's for a moment .
8 But he put up no defence ; he simply raised his hands and laid them lightly on Gentle 's shoulders .
9 And she cut a dozen and a half splendid blooms and laid them reverently in Sally-Anne 's trug .
10 There are , for example , points of difference between the two men themselves in terms of background and , very probably , of character and disposition which , could one know them fully and evaluate them properly , might allow a closer and more subtle comparison .
11 Although in poor health in 1912 , he accepted an offer to be chairman of the delegates to the Congress of the Deaf in Paris 1912 on their visit to London and entertained them lavishly .
12 It is this anger , more or less contained , which speaks through the extraordinary images created by Heartfield in his life-long struggle against fascism and for Communism , and renders them so memorable .
13 He eventually managed to assemble about 170 of his foot , all that had survived , and some 450 horsemen , and led them southwards towards Coldstream , by what was long remembered as Johnny Cope 's road' , and thence next day to Berwick .
14 She crossed to the doorway and led them away from the shed .
15 The sentries had been primed to admit him without challenge , Alexei noted , and as soon as his escort had dismounted a trooper wearing the gorget of a provost came out of the gatehouse and led them away towards the stables .
16 ‘ Nice to meet you , Chief Inspector , ’ he said with automatic politeness , then considered what he had just said , decided it was beyond explanation and led them upstairs to his office .
17 He took off his glasses and wiped them again , remembering the bitterness and rage to which he and MacQuillan had given vent .
18 Since , as Alexander Cruden put it , ‘ men can not dive into the hearts of others ’ , critics should be careful not to abuse the privileged vision they enjoy , compared to the false and occluded images that the characters in the play have to go on , and judge them disparagingly .
19 Keep the legs straight and squeeze them together .
20 Take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together quite hard , using the muscles in your arms .
21 Sitting with legs outstretched , take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together quite hard , using the muscles in your arms .
22 Extend both legs forwards and squeeze them together 25 times , holding each squeeze for 1 second .
23 Sitting with legs outstretched , take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together quite hard , using the muscles in your arms .
24 Extend both legs forwards and squeeze them together 30 times holding each squeeze for 1 second .
25 Sitting with legs outstretched and together , take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together quite hard .
26 Sitting with legs outstretched , take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together .
27 Sitting with legs outstretched , take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together .
28 Extend both legs forwards and squeeze them together 30 times , holding each squeeze for 1 second .
29 Sitting with legs outstretched , take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together .
30 Sitting with legs outstretched , take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together .
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