Example sentences of "and [verb] up a " in BNC.

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1 The sky was beginning to lighten to the east , streaks of day , as bright as magnesium flares , at the meeting point of sea and air set a fresh breeze stirring and whipped up a rhythm on the water 's surface .
2 ‘ You must appreciate Stephen is jealous and kicks up a fuss every time I even suggest seeing you , but I do n't intend to let that stop me in future .
3 ‘ The brent [ German brand = burned ] goose looks as if it has stuck its head and neck up a chimney and emerged sooty black — although with a little of its ‘ clerical collar ’ still clean .
4 So , so th th that would be some of the thinking which would lie behind sitting down and , and and drawing up a , a reform document a land reform document , in the very late nineteen forties .
5 When the children arrive you give them each a balloon and make up a convenient number of teams .
6 Do n't take along a shade fringe with dozens of colours — pull out a few ‘ whiskers ’ in basic shades and make up a fringe of your own .
7 Clear away topsoil and make up a simple formwork of timber supported by pegs set on the outside .
8 These three are in the same field , and make up a triangle .
9 This allowed us to line the side curtains in striped fabric and make up a flat roof instead of a gathered one .
10 Erm so do you feel that in the years that you 've worked here are women just as important in the factory and make up a large part of the workforce now as they , as they 've ever done ?
11 More designers are going down the locking tuner route and it 's something which I personally welcome ; it does away with that lumpiness at the nut end of the fingerboard and offers up a more traditional look into the bargain .
12 Weeks fifteen to twenty one is subject specific and all the details that have to come in and make up a record of achievement .
13 And the man who made his money out of glass lenses invited the finest craftsmen in Britain to design and make up a series of stained glass windows .
14 They are still occupying the lower status jobs , and bringing up a family has often meant interruptions to education or professional training .
15 But that staying at home and looking after the children , or whatever and bringing up a family is just as valuable as a job , or a career .
16 The purpose of this module is to provide the opportunity to explore questions of having and bringing up a family , to develop knowledge and skills in being a parent in areas selected on the basis of each individual 's needs and interests , and to help people enjoy being parents .
17 In a desperately competitive climate , where anyone bright and competent could go down the road and pick up a better paid job with kinder hours and more congenial working conditions from someone like British Telecom , the railways ran a service dependent on people who belonged to a narrow and inbred working culture , with outdated procedures of training and promotion , and an institutional reliance on overtime working , whose wholly disgraceful dimensions are symbolised by the fact that maximum weekly hours were only recently cut to 72 hours a week .
18 As England discovered in 1986 when they performed so lamentably at the international sevens tournaments in Sydney , it is just not possible to turn round a few weeks before an event and pick up a team and set off with any expectation of success .
19 All he had to do was stroll down to Underwoods and pick up a bit of dynercaprol and potassium chloride .
20 You could be lucky and pick up a good one very cheaply at a sale of farming equipment .
21 Check with your employer for exactly how much you will be entitled to receive , and pick up a copy of ‘ A Guide to Maternity Benefits ’ from the DSS .
23 Parrott , the UK snooker champ , scored a tremendous 6-5 victory over the world champion and world No 1 to claim the first title of the season and pick up a £25,000 cheque .
24 To pick them up , moisten the paint-brush slightly , draw out the bristles to make a fine point , and pick up a larva with the tip of the brush and put it gently on to the new plant .
25 And obviously that you can do , but it takes time , it 's quicker just to walk into a travel agent and pick up a cheap bargain .
26 Now I lean forward and pick up a dead bird whose wings sag open like a fan or like the streets of Berlin under their cam nets .
27 When they get back to their own places they go to the middle and pick up a ‘ pearl ’ and go back to stand in their places .
28 Right , let's get into DOS directory and pick up a Mouse Com or a mouse driver from there erm and execute , it will copy it into the root .
29 We drive to Swords and pick up a key from Crilly 's sister , Lorraine , who occupies a small semi-detached house with her husband and her two children .
30 When next buying your petfood , look out for the special tins of Kit-e-Kat and Pal and pick up a Whiskas or Chum 1990 calendar .
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