Example sentences of "and [verb] up for " in BNC.

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1 It requires an adult to participate and stay up for the night .
2 We carried a medical team with vehicles and back up for the medical team .
3 However , if farms remain profitable , yield-increasing technologies tend to mask the effect of soil degradation and erosion and make up for declines in fertility that would have occurred if land had been cultivated with a constant level of technology .
4 St Albans held on for the rest of the match to win 2–1 and take the ladies ' title for the second time and make up for four previous final defeats by Mutineers .
5 She realized he was trying to lead the conversation away from her husband , to be kind and make up for his blunder .
6 It was to salve her conscience , she thought , and make up for her obsessional preoccupation with Nick Frazer .
7 We , all of us had er a bed-sitting room of our own which we kept on between cases cos we had to have somewhere to live and erm and then of course we , we 'd come back there and make up for lost time really .
8 Musically — forget it , but the spot effects are great and make up for the poor acoustic tones .
9 It made up for all the poverty and hardship they had suffered , and planted a new , fierce determination in her to make her way in the world , to marry well and make up for all the injustice they had suffered because of her Uncle Harry .
10 And now , I I almost felt empty when she died , and I did n't have anybody to care for that really needed me all the time so I I , wanted to help out at a local dementia centre to try and make up for it and to pass on
11 Let me try and make up for my son 's suspicions ?
12 ‘ I tried so hard , you see , to give him extra attention — extra love — to try and make up for the loss of Maman .
13 The interviewing panel of Horsley , Pilger and Hayling , with Kerry Brown and Maxine Johnson representing the Founders , was supplemented by Christine Jackson , sitting in and limbering up for Equal Opportunities .
14 Our enthusiasm for getting afloat was an overriding factor — that part of the job remained the same and made up for a lot of hassle .
15 He was careful , shrewd , and thoroughly able , and made up for the collapse of the older coastal trades by sending his ships farther afield .
16 He let go her hands , and made up for his earlier error by making a fuss of the dog , who was sitting on his own blanket , adding laughingly , ‘ Even Hector is obliged to take notice of it , I see . ’
17 He is a meticulous writer and turns up for filming knowing his lines perfectly .
18 Thereafter , the Lord Chancellor became responsible for the Council on Tribunals , appointing its chairman and members , staffing it , and sticking up for it when it needed help against recalcitrant departments .
19 Up until April , you have Mars giving you the incentive to earn more and to stand up for yourself whenever the threat of a monetary show-down appears over the horizon .
20 The first trick is to get left of the chockstone and stop in the Jacuzzi Pool , next , to pivot and line up for the exit slot which is only 2½ ft–3ft wide in a foaming pool whose diameter is only 18 ins more than a boat 's length .
21 Relatives often seem to feel that they do not need to bring a contribution , unless , of course , you are young , living alone for the first time and being visited by your mother , in which case she will probably bring a month 's supply of food and wash up for you as well !
22 Go and wash up for me .
23 Once the veneer of hunt balls and dressing up for the occasion is stripped away all you have left is a very cruel activity which is a disgrace to those of us who live in the modern world .
24 As the fans tune in and line up for the battle ahead .
25 Both England stars started their careers at Acklam Park , Middlesbrough , and youngsters , aged nine to 14 , can now learn to run with the ball and line up for line-outs with the Rugby Union course on the same turf .
26 Raise the elbows , head and shoulders towards the knees and hold up for 3 counts .
27 Lying down , with knees bent towards the chest , raise the elbows , head and shoulders towards the knees and hold up for 5 counts .
28 Raise the elbows head and shoulders towards the knees and hold up for 5 counts .
29 Repeat 3 more times and hold up for 10 counts each time .
30 Raise the elbows , head and shoulders towards the knees and hold up for 5 counts .
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