Example sentences of "and [verb] in her " in BNC.

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1 Lee took them from her and kissed her and whispered in her ear : ‘ Be nice to Conrad , ’ because she knew Philippa considered him decadent and damned .
2 He kissed her again , on the forehead this time , and whispered in her ear , ‘ Kiss me back , McAllister .
3 When the man who waited with her crept to her shoulder and whispered in her ear , as he did several times between his nervous pacings about the room , she made him no answer , and never seemed even to be aware of him , though her braced tension made it plain that nothing that passed in this apartment escaped her instant notice .
4 More obscenities followed just as the two men were hurrying to catch up with Comfort , and then the woman stopped dead in front of Comfort and spat in her face .
5 Now her boyfriend vanishes , and Tommy and Iain just kind of move in , take over , rearrange the furniture , and sit in her front room drinking litre bottles of Old English Cider .
6 The woman detective had gone off with Roxie Farmer to give her a cup of tea and sit in her house keeping an eye on her .
7 When she put her head round the door and asked in her usual , conspiratorial manner if he wanted tea , Henry said , ‘ Tea would be a delight , my dear ! ’
8 Minutes later the gift was paid for and placed in her arms , and James went upstairs to visit the man 's sick wife .
9 Amid the cloud of silver photo frames , the clutter of Herend porcelain and other knick-knacks which Diana collects and displays in her private rooms at Kensington Palace is a shredder to destroy her mail and a telephone scrambler to disguise her private calls .
10 There was so much force in the kiss that Jenna felt faint , the blood rushing to her head and singing in her ears .
11 Emmie 's tongue felt thick and swollen in her mouth .
12 She had it wrapped in a cloth and hidden in her dress , next to her bosom .
13 His hands stroked and tantalised , sought out the hidden , sensitive places , and aroused in her longings that she had never before experienced .
14 All she longed to do at this very moment was run back to the Gasthaus and hide in her room .
15 Araminta swung round on him , and Theda looked past her , distress and reproach in her face as she met the lawyer 's eyes .
16 I tell you , it 's no laugh sharing with a kid what kicks and turns in her sleep week after week . ’
17 My brother gurgled and cooed in her arms .
18 Agnes was speaking through teeth clenched against any further emotion , and fumbling in her handbag .
19 Peter Suvarov looked at Comfort and recognised the shock and fear in her eyes .
20 Not fully understanding his intent , she shrank away from him protectively and the animal , sensing her unease , began snickering and struggling in her arms .
21 A mumbled , incoherent sound bubbled and surfaced in her throat , and she clung to him for support , her fingers twisting in the silk of his shirt .
22 But at night when they get sleepy they always go to their mother and sleep in her embrace .
23 All she wanted was to get this whole thing over with , so she could go home to Kentish Town and sleep in her own bed .
24 This is always a surprising development from the point of view of those close to her , but if you are faced with this reaction in your elderly parent , or any other that seems strange but harmless , tread softly , and accept the fact that she must be allowed to grieve and to adjust in her own way .
25 One time the memory of Antoine came to her , his heavy body lolling and dying in her arms .
26 She enjoys hiking and walking in her spare time , and also looks forward to her annual skiing expedition .
27 ‘ I think I 've loved you from the first moment I saw you , ’ she said , and drew in her breath sharply as he crushed her against him .
28 They are forced to operate in the pre-subjective domain of the specular imaginary , using a tactic of ‘ mimétisme ’ ( subversive mimesis ) that Irigaray both describes and illustrates in her writing .
29 Colour surged and receded in her face .
30 If she did not tread on any of the black , perhaps when she got to the end of the floor she would shiver and rouse in her own long-lost bed , in her striped sheets , and say good morning to the apple tree and look at her own face in the mirror she had not broken .
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