Example sentences of "and [verb] get [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was put off at Smith field and asked to get to the Strand as best I could for another bus .
2 People are now waking up to the fact that the natural world is our primary source and has got to be conserved if man is to continue .
3 The budget of the Horton generally puts day to day work has got to better reflect the fact that there 's a growing district Hospital , and has got to better reflect the size of the population it serves , and then also about a third of the patients that are treated at the Horton come from Warwickshire , Northamptonshire and Gloucestershire , but actually the Horton is funded as if every patient there comes from Oxfordshire , and that 's clearly crazy , and we 've got to make quite sure that cross-boundary flows of patients are better reflected by cross boundary flows of money .
4 Initially the examiner , who has read a file detailing the main points of the complaint , but inevitably does not have the full story ( hence the reason for the enquiry ) , turns up unannounced at the company 's premises ( which are not always easy to find ) and has to get past well-meaning but defensive receptionists and secretaries without revealing the purpose of the visit .
5 When addresses are required , these are needed only in case the clinic discovers an important infection a day or so after the patient has left and needs to get in touch in a hurry .
6 The LC is aimed at users that need to work away from their desktop but still need to access their applications and want to get into the corporate network .
7 I 'm doing a secretarial course and want to get in that way .
8 On the first evening the young men got drunk and tried to get into a nightclub but were refused admission .
9 Molly raised her voice slightly as though speaking to a foreigner and tried to get to the heart of the matter .
10 The thin man almost danced with anxiety and tried to get in Michael 's way .
11 no where we went was the erm well where we went first was the Dunkirk , did n't like what we hear in there , so we went from the Dunkirk and tried to get in the erm Smithfield hotel , we were unable to do that
12 She wanted to say it was only a joke , about boiling oil , but they had arrived at a building with several steps leading up and told to get into single file so that their names could be checked at the door .
13 Two lads , went up to them and says get off that bike or we 'll pull you off !
14 Now we 'll see what the government does in response to er all their friends who are going bankrupt in the Lloyds er cos er that , in that scandal , on the one hand you 've got the government trying to save its neck with its forty four MPs who 've had their , had their hand in the till at the same that they 're doing that , they wo n't actually meet the just demands of people who 've worked all their lives to actually have some sort of security in the future , and that 's the ol er sort of double standards they 're gon na try and er and use to get off the hook on that one because they owe people in this country a decent , we should have the right to a decent pension and security , employment and er with this , this campaign , we should be , we should be concentrating on as a major issue for this union in the forthcoming year .
15 I have a feeling they were working rigidly to Wilko 's plans for this game , and attempting to get round the 3 defenders in the middle of there defence by getting the ball wide .
16 That was one of the troubles of tourism : Skye needed to sit and stare to get into the soul of a place .
17 If yo I hope you , I suppose you could have a whole course in psycho-history , if you really put into it enough , but for just one class , I thought it was too much to ask students to attend , to try and have to get into psycho-history , so I have n't erm , done very much of it , and this , my excuse here really was , well Freud did write a book called Woodrow Wilson .
18 Suddenly embarrassed , she gathered her things together and started to get to her feet .
19 He smiled at her , and started to get to his feet .
20 And having got under them , he ca n't half tear them to pieces .
21 They told me to get off and try to get on the next train going north , ’ protested the younger of the two , flushing pink .
22 She twigged what I was driving at … that I suspected Alain had been murdered … and decided to get in first to throw me off the scent .
23 She ran off up to the house , and managed to get to her room before anyone saw her .
24 He escaped and managed to get to England while they were still alive , but nobody took his stories seriously and by the time they knew better it was too late .
25 He also smoked the cigarettes Zborowski provided as part of the contract and managed to get through a bottle of wine .
26 If an intruder eliminated him with a weapon and managed to get inside this place you 'd be in trouble . ’
27 ‘ I shall take Rosie or Violet and try to get through the drifts and reach Aumery Park Farm . ’
28 I suppose now we 've either got to cut through the next side street we come to and try to get to the main road , or turn round and find the canteen and start again . ’
29 They just do n't actually have that information , a lot of small local groups , and I think maybe the C B S could work with the Engineers department in future years and try to get to those groups , because I 'm sure a lot of them , actually if they were given the opportunity in time to get in , that , that you might have a lot of people applying for flag and whatever than you do now .
30 I suppose English critics will always work on the old lines , and try to get behind the book to quiz the author … instead of seeing that he is almost irresponsible , that it is the result of haphazard circumstances , and that the writer rubs his eyes and wonders how this and that got into his pages as much as the reviewer does .
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