Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 According to this principle , as Bentham understands it , the ideal method for determining whether an individual 's action , or a legislative enactment , is right or wrong would be through evaluation of its total tendency to promote happiness , on the one hand , and to promote unhappiness on the other ; if the former predominates the action is right , if the latter it is wrong .
2 Take English cash or travellers cheques for the balance of your needs , and change money on arrival in resort .
3 First , only solicitors may begin and conduct litigation on behalf of others .
4 The main value of the conference was to pinpoint gaps in research into Archaic kouroi : incomplete photographic resources ; a lack of methodology to determine authenticity ; the absence of databases to store and compare information on the changes in composition of ancient stone .
5 The Bill was given a Third Reading on 20th July and became law on 14th August , 1855 , with the short title , The Downing Street Public Offices Extension Act 1855 , but it was not until the following March that the Office of Works circulated the necessary notices to the tenants of property to be acquired .
6 He reads and digests material on a vast range of topics and picks the brains of most of the leading authorities .
7 Fortunately rather than staying in the main house , she was able to stay with her sister Jane and husband Robert who , as he was a member of the royal Household , enjoyed a grace and favour cottage on the estate .
8 We had a social evening at the Dog and Trumpet pub on the 3rd April .
9 Because of the fact that code switching , when it occurs , is pervasive in bilinguals ' speech , and defies analysis on any one level , individual researchers have tended to focus on just those few aspects of code switching which are of particular relevance to them .
10 To model its use requires the ability to access possibly large numbers of known and hypothetical facts , and to perform inference on these .
11 She remarked tartly : ‘ The women count money all day long and make love on Sunday … ! ’
12 At the same time they had to continue running existing services , carry through any other major developments already in the pipeline and make progress on resource management and quality assurance systems .
13 The animals now rejected him , and he was led on by stages ; learning to wear clothes , eat human food , herd sheep , and make war on the wolf and lion , until at length he reached the great civilized city of Utuk .
14 The half-year course begins next month and offers tuition on counselling skills , while concentrating on issues relevant to working with cancer sufferers .
15 Gerald James ' concluding feature on marquetry methods looks at the use of line to create wooden decoration , and offers advice on choice of veneers , composition , the use of line and grain , and mirror images
16 In its concluding section , it pays particular attention to the very issues raised by Reid above and offers advice on the way forward .
17 This book explains the causes of headaches and migraine and offers advice on self-help , with easy-to-follow relaxation exercises .
18 In a safety initiative designed to reduce accidents in the home , the Kitchen Specialists Association ( KSA ) has launched a new booklet — Greater Safety in the Kitchen — which highlights some of the more common causes of accidents in the home and offers advice on how to avoid mishaps in the first place .
19 ‘ Decide on Darlington ’ is a new guide for tourists coming to the town and offers advice on a range of places to stay .
20 Decide on Darlington is a new guide for tourists coming to the town and offers advice on a range of places to stay .
21 Again , those elements of the house-building industry , both firms and individuals , which are at present to an alarming extent drifting into jobbing and repair work on account of the difficulty of obtaining licences , will find their way back into the housing field , and the existing danger of skilled house-building teams being broken up and not replaced will be avoided .
22 After several months ' work , during which time they lived in a caravan parked on the site , the owners , Mr and Mrs Bates were able to move into the future garage area of the building in August 1984 and to continue work on the upper-floor accommodation under the shelter of the reslated roof .
23 A Swedish newspaper gave 10,000 kronor ( £830 ) to five stock exchange experts and a chimpanzee with a brief to go away and make money on the market , AP reported .
24 But even if the state is driven to an action , if at the same time the citizen is put at a serious disadvantage in the assertion of his legal , in this case of his constitutional , rights , by defence in the suit , justice may require that he should be at liberty to avoid those disadvantages by paying promptly and bringing suit on his side .
25 But even if the state is driven to an action , if at the same time the citizen is put at a serious disadvantage in the assertion of his legal , in this case of his constitutional , rights , by defence in the suit , justice may require that he should be at liberty to avoid those disadvantages by paying promptly and bringing suit on his side .
26 But even if the state is driven to an action , if at the same time the citizen is put at a serious disadvantage in the assertion of his legal , in this case of his constitutional rights , by defence in the suit , justice may require that he should be at liberty to avoid those disadvantages by paying promptly and bringing suit on his side .
27 But even if the state is driven to an action , if at the same time the citizen is put at a serious disadvantage in the assertion of his legal , in this case of his constitutional rights , by defence in the suit , justice may require that he should be at liberty to avoid those disadvantages by paying promptly and bringing suit on his side .
28 Were he to join a Government of Conservatives and Liberals , he continued , he would be a ridiculous figure , unable to command support and bringing odium on them as well as on himself .
29 Having a baby would mean leaving university and bringing shame on my family .
30 Partnerships need guidance and support to help those involved to continually reflect on previous learning and to plan change on the basis of this reflection .
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