Example sentences of "and [verb] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Parents who have watched their children grow and develop are just as likely to have insights into the development of their child as the teacher who has taught for a couple of years .
2 A large group in the opposite corner had erupted into laughter at just the right moment , to mask the sound of her action , however , and even those who had seen and heard were simply hiding slightly shocked and curious smiles behind polite hands and pretending to go on with their talk .
3 The resulting ‘ contract ’ between teacher and taught is therefore loose and far from explicit .
4 Average and mean are often used interchangeably .
5 By reducing the need to handle a complicated system , time is released from the already tight schedules for pupils to develop skills through a process whereby creative association and opportunities to learn and think are highly valued .
6 In the larger States contacts of this direct and relatively informal kind between ruler and ruled were obviously impossible on a large scale .
7 Fishing and surfing is also available nearby .
8 The low register of the flute , by which we mean the notes between and including is very rich and beautiful and has been much exploited by composers , especially those of the French school .
9 But the only speech delivered did not consider this second point and the summary treatment of the appellant 's argument is reflected in the opinion expressed , at p. 633 , that the point certified and argued was scarcely worthy of their Lordships ' attention .
10 ‘ The claim of Paneth and Peters was soon withdrawn and the appearance of helium in the experiments received a more prosaic explanation .
11 Forage and concentrate was all bought in and the animals were kept in outdoor feedlots .
12 Never before had the images of the great and respected been so irreverently and so widely circulated .
13 The towns of Binab and Abhor were completely destroyed .
14 This car has been in use since Easter and has been enthusiastically praised by the people , mainly volunteers , who have been staffing it .
15 ‘ Oh , Mr Porter ! ’ ( 1937 ) , with Will Hay the stationmaster of Buggleskelly , is regarded as both the popular and critical pick of the genre , and has been favourably compared with the work of the Marx Brothers .
16 Sexual experiment , now or in earlier life , is and has been markedly less than with younger people .
17 This is a significant area of importance in the Catholic school and has been clearly expressed in several documents but attention is drawn to Position Paper 4 ( Catholic Education Commission ) .
18 The latest implementation , X Window Version 11 Release 3 , emerged a year ago , and has been widely adopted by Unix suppliers and by DEC , with Unix ( Ultrix ) and VAX VMS versions .
19 The Spielberger anxiety scale consists of twenty statements that gauge how respondents feel ‘ right now , at this moment ’ and has been widely evaluated in healthy American adults and in non-psychiatric hospital inpatients .
20 The Geneva Convention on Bills of Exchange is an example of an excellent Convention which has functioned extremely effectively and has been widely adopted .
21 The present leasehold system affects an estimated three million owners and has been widely condemned as unfair and archaic .
22 The Bill introduces fundamental reforms to further and higher education in Scotland and has been widely welcomed there .
23 The toxicity of some drugs has brought the status of the pharmaceutical industry to its lowest ebb yet , and has been partly responsible for a virtual stampede away from chemists towards health shops .
24 They pick on an accountant because an accountant needs a good name and has been partly in control of the funds anyway .
25 The regime in many residential care homes lacks variety and has been well documented .
26 It is a handsome villa on the edge of Ponte agli Stolli , and has been well renovated to form a most desirable residence .
27 This proposal was enthusiastically approved by the Central Council of ACTS and has been well received by member churches which are appointing local representatives for each of the forty six areas .
28 This concept of selective insulin resistance is not new and has been well demonstrated in animal models .
29 Good clean garden soil is the best sowing medium , especially if it is inclined to be heavy and has been well sieved to eliminate stones , twigs and similar undesirable debris .
30 A stress on responsibilities as well as rights has been a significant and long-standing feature of the British culture and has been well imbued by a large part of the nation 's political elite .
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