Example sentences of "and [adj] might be " in BNC.

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1 And that might be my only , you know , substantive interaction with him on that day .
2 Maybe somebody would come to the library and that might be the spur that they need " .
3 A further question that arises ( and that might be perceived on the face of this problem ) is whether dismissal by the Crown can only be for misbehaviour in office or whether it can be for an offence not related to judicial office or affecting judicial ability .
4 Mills , you never know , might have been somehow involved and that might be the reason why he was under surveillance . ’
5 And that would mean having to borrow someone else 's name , and that might be embarrassing .
6 And that might be only because of her figure , ’ said Penelope .
7 I 'm not giving too much away , and that might be quite important .
8 ‘ Scotland 's last friendly international is next week , and that might be a little early for Falconer .
9 and that might be shortly before Christmas anyway .
10 So , I I thought it would be best if the diaries and calendars were ordered in September because the Home and Country orders er are the next month and that might be .
11 However , Austria has already submitted its request for full membership of the EC and this might be followed by Norway and Sweden if the attempt to negotiate a wider West European unity breaks down .
12 Obviously , any improvement in the ratio of domestic savings to GNP will reduce reliance on external finance , and this might be achieved by means of a more efficient and comprehensive domestic banking system .
13 Nuclear Electric spokesman , Len Green , said the company 's decision to use levy money to help with the cost of constructing Sizewell B was in the best interests of the consumer and this might be the case if the C station went ahead .
14 Family members too will have considerable feelings , and this might be an opportunity for a family meeting in the old person 's home , acknowledging the sadness for everybody of having to give up that home , accepting the necessity for more care , and with it the reassurance that the family will be vitally needed for continued regular visiting and involvement .
15 Sir Brynmor Jones said jocularly : " The teacher who can be replaced by a teaching machine or any audio-visual aid deserves to be ( 1968 : 281 ) and this might be thought also to be true of replacement by ancillaries .
16 There were occasionally cosmic jokes , you all felt the force of those , they were masked by the words , war , earthquake , or air crash , and this might be one of them .
17 The staining for PT-gliadin decreases after the instillation is terminated and this might be explaiend by enzymatic digestion and/or transcytosis .
18 The development of cholangitis as a late complication occurred only in patients in whom a sphincterotomy was not carried out and this might be considered a prerequisite in all patients in whom an endoprosthesis is inserted as long term therapy .
19 Hence some kind of additional support , information or psychological preparation for further failure might be instituted , and this might be valuable in preventive terms .
20 Erm and along with this we were thinking about ways to subsidize conference for people and this might be one way to do it for the for York Green Party to pay part of the cost of renting the accommodation .
21 Here we can see how the concepts discussed in Chapters 1 and 2 might be extended into contemporary urban and regional sociology .
22 The growing divide between rich and poor might be expected in those bastions of the New Right , Thatcher 's Britain and Reagan 's US — but Australia ?
23 The case was so complicated that it has already generated at least two books ( Crouch and Marquart 1989 , Martin and Ekland-Olson 1987 ) and more might be on the way .
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