Example sentences of "and [adj] will be " in BNC.

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1 Do whatever you believe in your heart of hearts is God 's will , and that will be that .
2 They will spend more than £40 a week on oil — that 's £2,000 a year — but you could spend £3,000 on a modern filter system and that will be paid back in 18 months . ’
3 If you decide not to go ahead , just return the policy within 15 days and that will be the end of the matter .
4 You will need to turn them into green teachers … and that will be even more difficult .
5 And that will be next week ?
6 If the bedroom you occupy is large enough to be turned into a comfortable bed-sitting-room , or if you have your own private sitting-room in the house , you can avoid trouble and confrontation by entertaining friends there , and that will be the end of it ; but if not , after a tactful explanation of your needs to your parent , you should get to the point of suggesting clearly that she might agree to retire to her room for a few hours sometimes when your friends come to the home ( after you have all shared a meal together first , if she wishes ) .
7 But I have a sneaking feeling that in another five years ' time I 'll be reviewing the GR-100 and that will be the one …
8 ‘ I will be criticized again , ’ I will once again admit my mistakes , I will make some more pledges ; and that will be all .
9 ‘ Otherwise , it will be a matter of the Queen 's Conscience in the Division of Chancery , and that will be expensive , ’ he said finally .
10 ‘ I 've stopped 13 opponents and dropped most of them cleanly with quick counters and that will be Benn 's downfall , ’ continued Piper .
11 ‘ It looks like I 'll have to put Danny on the bench and that will be a great opportunity for him .
12 And soon it will catch me up and I 'll be bloodsuckled and toothpluckled and stonechuckled and chewed up into tiny pieces , and then the Spittler will spit me out in a cloud of smoke and that will be the end of me ! ’
13 The winners of that game should take the title ( although others , such as Bridgend are still in with a shout ) and that will be a powerful incentive .
14 And that will be one of Mains ' main tests for the year .
15 And that will be the end of it ? ’
16 ‘ We believe there 's a Class 46 at the Technical Centre in Derby and that will be worth having a look at , ’ he added , although , with RFS sub-contracting in the Channel Tunnel , BR are now likely to take an increasingly dim view about selling off withdrawn Class 20s , another Knotty target .
17 Ask a follower of the warbird movement to ‘ decline ’ the sub-types of the Fw 190 and that will be done ; marks of Spitfire will be no problem ; who built B–17s and the distinguishing items of a ‘ G ’ — easy ; principal Italian fighter aircraft will also come to the tip of the tongue with only the occasional stutter .
18 ‘ Give me the bag and that will be the end of it . ’
19 In an intra-linguistic description , we will simply state this difference as a structural linguistic fact ( and do the same for the other differences we notice ) and that will be the end of it : dialect A has one structure , and dialect B has another .
20 Thus even before starting any calculations we may immediately say that A will only have an unc component and that will be independent of
21 You might agree that it 's wasteful that it 's not the best way of channelling the resources but the fact is that the global amount available because of it is much greater than it was and that will be our baseline to start from if they decide to reorganise the money in a different way .
22 And that will be circulated to internal erm
23 And that will be , attending P T S training courses and at and having medicals .
24 She will be half pleased to see him and half disapproving ; and that will be the beginning once again of something so painful and awkward that the possibility of happiness must be concealed in it somewhere .
25 And that will be your punishment . ’
26 We 're going to write his memoirs , well , we 're going to start writing them , and that will be extremely interesting .
27 And that will be plenty .
28 In the same way , ‘ of course we may pick up business if , say , the existing solicitor on one side or the other has no M&A expertise , and that will be a bonus .
29 So I could n't agree more , and that will be taken up in the fairly near future , following the information that I 've been gathering in the various meetings that I 've been having round the country on this .
30 That came to six hundred , sixteen hundred and thirteen and that will be doubled by the C E C. Thank you very much .
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