Example sentences of "and [adj] [vb past] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1987–8 there were 1908 special schools in the United Kingdom , including 80 hospital schools and 92 assisted independent schools , attended by 118,000 pupils .
2 A trilogy of cases in 1979 and 1980 reflected this development of a clearer rule .
3 The franchise changes of 1967/8 and 1980 confirmed this .
4 Actual local authority completions in North Tyneside between 1974 and 1986 totalled 5473 , of which all but 639 were completed before 1981 and thus reflect pre-1979 capital programmes .
5 And each took half a dozen items dear to both and secreted them in places their childhood dramas had singled out as being adult-proof .
6 It was a happy working relationship and each had complete trust in the other 's abilities — until Johnnie 's happy-go-lucky attitude changed to an unusually quiet and sombre mood .
7 This model consisted of a number of wooden blocks which represented isolated sections of the genetic material , the DNA , and each had intricate hinged sections at either end .
8 So , not counting the initial Strombolian activity in the North-East Crater , there were three separate sites of activity during the course of the eruption , and each showed different behaviour : Strombolian , Hawaiian and Vulcanian .
9 The top layer was built , that you saw in the photograph , was built later , so 31 and 32 had two rooms , erm on the ground floor , and 2 on the first floor , 33 , which was smaller , but it does have a fair sized room , and another upstairs , and then the very small one is 34 .
10 Two weeks ago 24.6 people per 100,000 were reporting flu , and 51.7 had flu-like illness .
11 The course of agricultural and industrial development between 1919 and 1935 produced abundant evidence that Japan was closely tied to the fluctuations of the world economy and highly constrained in the resources at her disposal during a period of growing protectionism .
12 And some wore black pants to bed cos they did n't recognise them !
13 Members of Parliament did complain about poor radio reception in their constituencies , and some made occasional allegations of political interference and bias in the radio news .
14 Dreams came true in many ways ; some made strokes which had not been played for the last 20 years , others took catches and some ran threes .
15 Few students said that they found the staff approachable , and some seemed just to muddle along , hoping that all would eventually be clear .
16 When Stewart said the boom in consumer credit during the previous decade had been phenomenal and some said dangerous , the danger to which he was alluding was not to the consumer/borrower who might incur overindebtedness , but to the professional finance houses .
17 But at least these antics attracted attention ; ‘ then some said she was accursed ; some said God took open vengeance on her ; some said one thing and some said another ’ .
18 The majority contained inadequate amounts of alcohol and dried fruit and some had artificial flavourings or were cloyingly sweet .
19 Some were more active than any predecessor against some particular organism , and some had special merits in use , such as working when given by mouth , or acting for a longer period than usual .
20 These ferns began to slowly change shape and structure during the Devonian , and some became tall and tree-like .
21 Others we chatted with when we met them around the grounds , and some became temporary friends who asked us in for coffee or drinks , invitations which we pleasurably returned .
22 Some shook themselves clear , and even rose again , but many lay threshing , and some lay still .
23 Some were superficial and some looked deep .
24 He was a very private man and some mistook this for aloofness .
25 They needed bricks , they told him ; and some needed more time to pay .
26 A nearby lightning strike sent a surge through the local electricity supply system and this blew eight fuses and two diodes which control signals and points on the Welsh Highland .
27 We suffer more in anticipation than in actuality , and this came true for me .
28 In short , rapid population growth was a result of poverty and this asked fundamental questions about access and control over the means of production as well as the technical means by which they were developed .
29 He says ; It seemed somehow exotic we have already been to the Bahamas and Bermuda and this seemed different .
30 As Cole points out , the Pioneers ‘ were setting out to be at one and the same time a Producers ’ and a Consumers ' Society ; and this seemed natural to them because all their endeavours were meant to lead to the creation of a Co-operative Community on the Owenite model , in which the distinction between producers and consumers would not exist . ’
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