Example sentences of "and [noun] at that " in BNC.

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1 They sent up a thick screen of flak between the Goshawk planes and the second balloon , damning anyone who tried to break through The usual haphazard spray of machine-gun fire sprinkled the air , inaccurate and half-spent at that height , but it only needed one bulletin the head to destroy a whole aircraft .
2 Mr Brady said : ‘ Audiences at 1.15am are tiny and programmes at that time attract very little advertising revenue .
3 It is the least known and most obscure phase of the painter 's life because , despite all my father 's efforts to promote Modigliani and to make the quality of his works known , he was his only real friend and protector , his only admirer and buyer at that time .
4 We showed how in certain areas — for example home-school links , the curriculum , and whole-school management — clear policies can be appropriate and helpful ; and how in other areas — notably classroom practice — advisory staff seemed eager to prescribe in some detail how teachers should organize their classrooms and manage their teaching , a focus for policy and action at that level which seemed rather less appropriate .
5 Good gall bladder contraction after breakfast is important because gall bladder bile has the highest cholesterol saturation index and concentration at that time and cholesterol crystals might precipitate easily .
6 ‘ Nan 's not dealing with men , and gentlemen at that . ’
7 Yes , there 's a nice fish and chips at that van that came round in
8 According to a report in NIN ( 9 November 1986 ) , the memorandum claimed that the prewar Comintern was hostile to Serbia , that the Serbian delegates to the second session of the Anti-fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia in 1943 ( at which major decisions were taken about the postwar composition of Yugoslavia ) were elected not by organizations within Serbia but by Serbian personnel who were in the partisan armies in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time , and that postwar Yugoslavia was largely under the control of Tito , a Croat , and Kardelj , a Slovene .
9 If there is a will — and wills at that time are very easy to make , mere word of mouth is sufficient — the Bishop 's Court is the proper place in which it must be proved ; the Bishop 's Court will see that the executor carries out his duties properly .
10 That brief dark phase from her childhood , when she 'd imagined all her loved ones had abandoned her , filled with fear and apprehension and anxiety at that forced separation …
11 You did n't want above £5 or £6 to buy a horse and cart at that time o' day because it was quite a lot of money .
12 So I went down and Mr at that time was Mayor of Willenhall , a very influential man , and he was er over and er his son had to became in charge , but anyway I went to see him it was Mr and er about it and he says er well we got er a order for four locks here , he says er I wonder if er you could quote me for them ?
13 Apart from improbable luck , much of our success as a two-man team — and siblings at that — comes less from our similarities than from our differences of character .
14 Later still he got an oil engine ; and people at that time could buy both coal and oil from the miller . ’
15 In fact , the land had become very open and flat at that point , enabling one to see a considerable distance in all directions , and the spire of Salisbury Cathedral had become visible on the skyline up ahead .
16 I did a touch of Makarova in Romeo and Juliet at that , just to put everyone at his ease .
17 Cyprus had its own troubles and terrorism at that time , of course .
18 The owner and miller at that time was Mr D. Lowe .
19 Well we never heard the name shop steward in those days I do n't think they went that far , there was somebody in charge sort of thing but erm they er got the na the name afterwards I think you know shop steward , but er and then they used to be Miss used to have the garden fetes the garden parties on her lawn , that was for the Liberal Party you see as soon Labour was mentioned there were only Tories and Liberals at that time and er we used to , when there was an election er we used to wait up for the results and then if the Liberals got in Squires ' big bell would be rung if it was twelve o'clock at night or one o'clock in the morning the Squires ' big bell would be rung you see , to say who 'd got in , if the Tories got in it was n't rung because it was a , Squires were Liberals , strong Liberals and er they used to attend the Liberal Club at Shortheath but erm there used to be some fun in those er what 's the name parade if the Liberals got in and dances you know to raise money for the various things , and the garden fetes used to be lovely but er on their lawn .
20 And in response to Ted Dexter 's statement : the non-rebels also had families and mortgages at that time .
21 Here , some teachers found themselves , often for the first time in their careers , with the opportunity to engage in depth with a small number of individuals , yet were not always able fully to exploit the possibilities because sustained questioning and discussion at that level required them to have a clear framework of the kinds of question they wished to promote and a grasp of the ways a sequence of such questions related to the wider map of the curriculum area in which a particular learning task was located .
22 This shows the extent of seed movement across land and sea at that time .
23 Picture appreciation may involve reading clues or decoding messages which give information about the subject 's social status , tastes and fashions at that time .
24 what somebody comes to that , tomorrow and knocks at that door and says look I 've been sent here by you say good bye , good night , good luck nothing has been said to me , I
25 One of the most satisfactory , for the rubbery , high-temperature part of the curve , is that of Ferry & Tobolsky whose method is to multiply each J(t) value by the ratio where are the reference temperature and density at that temperature and T , — the same quantities for data being modified .
26 The corresponding amounts at the previous year end include its assets and liabilities at that date and show the shares issued by the group to acquire it as if they had been in issue then .
27 Thinking back , he recalled her distance , agitation and depression at that time ; her deep involvement with my poetry ; even a night she spent , unusually , away from home , with a ‘ friend ’ …
28 Very , very little really , erm we had contact with other Authorities of course , in the course , in erm er particularly in connection with evacuation , erm evacuation took up erm quite a lot of staff and , and time at that er particularly initially because erm Suffolk was in a peculiar position or at least the East Suffolk was , erm at the beginning of the war of course erm East Suffolk was an evacuation , er was erm a reception area
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