Example sentences of "and [noun] when they " in BNC.

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1 The situation might be improved if young girls were allowed to develop sexual feelings and activities when they reached puberty .
2 They tended to face north and west when they should have faced south and east , because they were there to be looked at , not to be looked from , and the windows of the mansion faced in the contrary direction .
3 This £15,000 investment makes small carpet samples about eighteen inches square for use by Architects and Specifiers when they ‘ approve ’ a design specially created for their clients .
4 Tantrums at this time are common when she is thwarted and she hits out at people and objects when they do not bend to her will .
5 AFRESH row over Channel Tunnel safety is likely to follow yesterday 's confirmation that passengers will not have to leave their cars and coaches when they travel through the tunnel .
6 What follows is an explanation of the rights and duties between the seller and buyer when they have not agreed anything different in their contract .
7 WEDNESDAY : Success is brief for Durie , Wood and Hobbs when they are knocked out 2-1 by Austria .
8 They have no partner with whom to face middle or old age , or who will provide stability and companionship when they need it .
9 " It 's true , " he told Harry and Ann when they looked for confirmation .
10 Through the long ride , through the noise and confusion when they reached their destination , through the hurried ceremony that followed almost immediately , during which she moved and spoke when so directed like one in a trance .
11 Those who do might also be thought to be insincere , but some policemen showed real regret and disappointment when they were unable to provide the service they felt they should , whether because of the nature of the call or because of unrealistic public expectations ( such as finding lost budgies , preventing sheep-worrying , or reconciling warring spouses and quarrelsome neighbours ) .
12 Smokers screw up their eyes and lips when they puff a cigarette and this can surely lead to more wrinkles .
13 By way of illustration , let us take an example from the development of Newton 's theory that we have considered several times before , and consider the situation that confronted Leverrier and Adams when they addressed themselves to the troublesome orbit of the planet Uranus .
14 which , which is why now er that Rose and Jean when they considered it .
15 unlike Kelly and David when they come round , they just walk in , you know
16 We are not amazed at their motivation and intelligence when they eagerly look up at us , willing us to throw the ball or the stick .
17 People have been shown ( 1 ) to prefer proximity to kin ( presumably , the better to help them ) , ( 2 ) to actually help their kin ( presumably in ways likely to enhance their reproductive success ) , and ( 3 ) to produce more children and grandchildren when they live close to and/or are helped by kin .
18 An HP spokesman claimed the Sun program had ‘ a million holes ’ and was based on ‘ half truths , ’ pointing out that Sun was offering no migration tools or interoperability whereas HP is giving Apollo users the same look and feel and middleware when they shift to HP boxes .
19 ‘ Some neighbours of ours in Scotland had unnaturally cosmopolitan views about the best way to bring up their daughters and they had all been sent to stay with family friends in both Paris and Florence when they were about seventeen .
20 A freezer should be there for you to maximise on your budget by storing economically prepared foods such as soups and stews , and for storing either your own garden produce or purchases of vegetables and fruits when they are at their cheapest .
21 SAS supports access to a range of mainframe , personal computer and Unix database managers and spreadsheets and will run from day one on DEC 's Alpha RISC boxes under Open VMS and OSF/1 when they are launched .
22 In order to be certain that the Blox would have peace , quiet and privacy when they needed it , we arranged with Sunsail to charter two bareboat Oceanis 320s , and to take them from Göcek , Sunsail 's base in Fethiye Bay , south and east towards the wild and lovely Kekova Roads .
23 Instead of buying us a present , from erm , my mum bought me a few bits and pieces when they went to France .
24 At home Perdita behaved more atrociously than ever before , storming round the house , refusing to get a job and screaming at Violet and Eddie when they returned bronzed from a month in LA with Hamish and Wendy .
25 They will take confused or physically frail elderly people for assessment and rehabilitation when they are at their most vulnerable , maybe after a stroke or bereavement .
26 It seems extraordinary to today 's parents in England and the United States that women of the twenties and thirties should have been prepared to accept either the content of these pronouncements or the authoritarian tone in which they were made ; yet accepted they were , in that innumerable women made valiant efforts to stifle their natural desire to cuddle their babies and to feed them when they were hungry , or were wracked with guilt and shame when they ‘ mawkishly ’ rocked the child or sentimentally eased his stomach pangs in the small hours with a contraband couple of ounces .
27 ‘ What a terrible time you must have had — having to fly all this way to the States , and then to see poor , darling Liz and Owen when they 're so terribly , terribly ill .
28 A clue may be found in the geology of those islands , for some of them are granitic and part of the Gondwanaland , which linked India and Africa when they were adjacent .
29 I never used to I never used to realize what people were talking about at school and stuff when they said .
30 In the same way many of the cities of the Swedish Baltic provinces , such as Riga and Dorpat , received promises to respect their existing position and rights when they were conquered by Russia in the second decade of the eighteenth century ( though these promises were not always kept ) .
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