Example sentences of "and [noun] [Wh det] give " in BNC.

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1 To me it seems that beauty , and indeed the qualities and forms which give rise to beauty , only exist for a consciousness .
2 Caring about others less fortunate than ourselves is important and the Christian Aid Committee is most grateful to all who give their time , talents , and money which gives this Festival of Flowers and Music such significance .
3 ‘ Industrial democracy ’ on the other hand is a term which is generally taken to refer to particular practices of management already operating in certain capitalist economies ( e.g. West Germany ) or specific proposals such as those of the Bullock Committee ( Bullock , 1977 ) , practices and proposals which give some role to workers or their representatives in enterprise decision-making , but which are not necessarily linked to the overall social planning of the economy in the interests of working people .
4 In May 1412 a treaty ( that of Bourges ) was sealed between Henry IV and the dukes of Berry , Bourbon , and Orléans which gave the English king much of what his predecessors had spent years fighting for : a recognition that Aquitaine was rightfully English , and an undertaking to help the king defend it ; the cession of twenty important towns and castles ; and agreement that certain lands , notably Poitou , were to be held by them of the English crown , and would revert to it when the present holders died .
5 Introductory sales have been made to Poland and Hungary which gives us our first opening into Eastern Europe .
6 They lack the experience and practice which gives them the ability to communicate with the public : they lack common sense .
7 The framework of support so established might well lead to a partnership between schools and LEAs which gives more effective support to those working within the institution .
8 Intermediate Technology enables poor people in the Third World to develop and use technologies and methods which give them more control over their lives and which contribute to the long-term development of their communities .
9 Intermediate Technology enables poor people in the Third World to develop and use technologies and methods which give them more control over their lives and which contribute to the long-term development of their communities .
10 The recessed planes are used in places , but more often they are broken up by bold three-quarterings and massings which give a quite different sense of the third dimension .
11 In general terms , if you can not see the water surface you should trim and fly the aeroplane at the speed and configuration which gives the best combination of high nose attitude , low airspeed and minimum rate of descent .
12 The concealed roof timbers are then subjected to conditions of continual vaporisation and condensation which give rise to wet and dry rot .
13 Hi-tech says modern finishes and colours which give a bright , space-age feel .
14 The bureaucracy is subject to rules or laws , and the broader values and beliefs which give the system its legitimacy constitute a framework within which the elite must operate .
15 Some of these inlets lead to salt marshes and estuaries which give refuge to many other coastal birds , especially waders .
16 I had the amplifier turned up pretty loud , but it was covered with all these cloths and baffles which gave a really dirty , muffled sound .
17 This is a combined account for borrowing and saving which gives you the automatic right to borrow money .
18 You can get similar value from Isabelle Allende 's Of Love and Shadows which gives a vivid picture of what it is like to be on the wrong end of the dictatorial boot in Chile .
19 Could anti-Semitism , so pivotal in Hitler 's ‘ world view ’ , have been of only minor significance in forming the bonds between Führer and people which gave the Third Reich its popular legitimation and plebiscitary base of acclamation ?
20 ‘ In the psychic realm it means that we are free to follow any set of images and symbols which give us the right mental feedback — and the State encourages us .
21 There are a variety of professional associations of doctors , nurses and teachers which give tacit support to the regime .
22 Pairwork opportunities and exercises which give pupils the chance to talk about themselves .
23 Detecting these patterns and helping them be most noticeable in the book has been facilitated by the programs to traverse the document and programs which give summaries of the characteristics of the node names .
24 All instruments issued by reporting entities which are a means of raising finance , including shares , debentures , loans and debt instruments , options and warrants which give the holder the right to subscribe for or obtain capital instruments .
25 From these we get our word alphabet , delta , and gamma which gives us gamma rays .
26 Deliberately nurtured as an élite destined to man the upper reaches of the State , they developed a sense of their own importance and dignity which gave them the confidence to question the conventions of Tsarist society .
27 Yet far from ensuring loyalty to the status quo , their elevated position developed in them a sense of their own importance and dignity which gave them the confidence to question the conventions of tsarist society .
28 It was the goals from McStay , McAllister and McClair which gave the Scots a stirring win in Norrkoping , and the bite of McCall which gave them a formidable balance .
29 It 's made from a combination of cream and fruit which gives it a refreshing piquant flavour .
30 There is one other aspect to genetically engineering animals to create human compatible tissue and organs which gives cause for concern .
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