Example sentences of "and [noun] [prep] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 To provide experiences and activities through which all children may learn to :
2 1 Define objectives , target audiences and activities for which a media list will be used .
3 Hence the importance of the residential and extracurricular activity — above all occasions and activities in which the teenager can know that someone is unobtrusively and undemandingly interested in them .
4 However , the information collected will be determined by the situations and activities in which the child is engaged during the period of time being sampled .
5 This might take the form of health promotion/ education displays and activities in which information on careers and employment can be included .
6 ‘ Although any draw against German opposition represents a big challenge , because I 've got the greatest respect and admiration for what they 've done at club and international level for over 20 years .
7 Another writer with a far briefer experience of life under sail , John Masefield , stands by contrast right in the centre of the convention of action and narrative in which the glory of adventure-story lies ; for at least one period of his life Masefield would have agreed , as Conrad would not , that he was a ‘ writer of sea-stories ’ .
8 Despite the imperfections of the documents , he felt to the full his responsibility to preserve and hand over intact to his successor all the rights , privileges , and possessions of which he was the divinely constituted guardian .
9 This includes a book on the concept of causality , transcripts of dictations by Wittgenstein dating from the early 1930s , and a quantity of poems and aphorisms in which Waismann despaired about other philosophers and life in England .
10 In general , the actual psychological causation of an utterance may be related to all sorts of different degrees of endorsement in one 's actual beliefs and attitudes of what one is meaning to say .
11 Weber suggested that the Protestant ethic produced the value orientations and attitudes in which capitalism could prosper and that Catholicism , like most other religions , hinders social progress .
12 Other far-reaching changes in the modern world have also made their mark on theology , notably the immense advances in science and technology , and the accelerating contact and interaction between different races and cultures in what it is now normal to call ‘ the global village ’ , The explosion of science and the application of its discoveries have altered the world even of our grandfathers beyond recognition .
13 But just as the overall form of our body remains the same , despite the constant replacement of the atoms and molecules of which it is made , so is the overall form of nature maintained as identifiably the same old physical universe , though the pattern may alter markedly over the course of time .
14 You went into the fields and woods for what you needed , according to season .
15 Engineers and manufacturers of the nineteenth century had to keep an eye open for the rather too-well-informed casual visitor , making notes and sketches of what was going on .
16 What was to heal them was the act of obedience to what God had said , and faith in what he had said .
17 An Oxford graduate , he had moved into general management in manufacturing and then into international construction and consultancy from which he had been headhunted by Richard Addis , now one of his senior partners .
18 That such qualification may occur outside the language-system , through paralinguistic means and in the observation of and judgement on which language-system , dialect etc. is operating in a given context , is irrelevant , Lyons would claim , to his central point .
19 One of the national museums and galleries for which I have responsibility , the Tate , is making great efforts , by setting up galleries in , for example , Liverpool and shortly in St. Ives , to make others of its collections regularly available for view in the north-west or the south-west .
20 My hon. Friend puts his finger on a crucial point : the total income of the museums and galleries for which I am responsible , outside their grant in aid , is £48 million — up by £20 million from the figures for three years ago .
21 In marital therapy it is often noticeable that although a couple are asking for help to sort out their problem , so that they may have the closeness and intimacy for which they yearn , fear overcomes hope , and whenever things start to improve one of them can be relied upon to start up the next quarrel .
22 The author wishes to express his thanks for the cooperation of all those who have provided the information and views on which this current publication is based .
23 The Rushdie affair illustrated on the one hand that the general social climate changes with the passage of time , and views on what is censorable change with it .
24 In any argument you develop , we have suggested that it is important to distinguish between views you are taking for granted , views you are directly asserting and views with which you disagree .
25 It must clearly relate to the areas of study and competences for which credit/entry is being sought .
26 The only drinking in which he took part was to have the occasional gin and tonic to which he kept adding more and more tonic .
27 Great interest is shown in the activities and scenes depicted : the skill and panache with which cat 's cradle is demonstrated is commented on , the speed and technique of the weavers astounds , the making of crayfish pots and operation of eel weirs is studied intently .
28 From 1850 to 1900 , as European immigrants settled much of Australia they introduced millions of cattle and sheep to what was often very marginal country and left behind a woeful legacy of rabbits and feral animals such as donkeys , camels , goats and pigs .
29 Factor analysis of statements in the questionnaire derived from the earlier case study indicates that attitudes towards SSE may be classified under five headings : collegiality and openness , professionality ( which seems to reflect the ideals of the school self-evaluation movement ) and formality about which Solihull secondary teachers have firmly positive attitudes , and efficiency and threat and professional development about which they are neutral .
30 Let us take as reasonably authoritative pronouncements the address by MacGregor and Howell to which we have already referred and the recommendations of the Speaker 's Commission to the National Curriculum Council .
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