Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The original commitment to high quality and reliability has been reinforced , leading to the investment of millions of pounds in new products and new technology .
2 Laing and Costain had been medium and small building firms respectively in the north of England before both moved south to London and prospered …
3 Already the ranks of the creative arts had been woefully thinned ; Braque badly wounded , Léger gassed , Derain unscathed but reduced to decorating shell cases ; Péguy and Alain-Fournier had been killed , and Apollinaire wounded in the head .
4 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
5 Kaszubian produce , though initially cheaper than German farm produce , was much more expensive by the time levies and taxes had been added .
6 Well known as riff-writer extraordinaire and with a seemingly bottomless pit of catchy songs to draw from , Canadian Adams confides that his approach to songwriting and guitar playing is actually based upon a formula .
7 And Ben had been a shadowy figure representing that other world ; the world into which Johnny could not pass .
8 When some idea of the framework of objectives , aspirations and activities has been obtained it may be useful to compile a questionnaire , into which answers may be inserted , either by the leader or by the researcher .
9 Counties such as Berkshire , Hampshire , Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire have been faced with increasing government demands to provide more new housing and this has produced vociferous opposition from local residents who see their traditional communities under threat .
10 ‘ Edinvar has been serving tenants for 20 years and Link has been a landlord for nearly 30 years , so we both have a long history of putting tenants first . ’
11 Bomb-grade plutonium and uranium have been kept securely enough to persuade most potential proliferators that , if they want a bomb , they will have to make their own nuclear material , not just steal or buy it .
12 More recently fast-breeder reactors fuelled with a mixture of plutonium and uranium have been developed by some countries .
13 Sorry , I wanted to make two points , I think there 's a big difference between foresters like yourself and the people who 're actually out there logging , and you know , I have no doubt about the work you do at the Oxford Forestry Institute , and several of your tutors and lecturers have been to talk to us , and Friends of the Earth certainly is calling for sustainable management forestry .
14 Vein deposits in Dinantian limestones and sandstones have been exploited in the Northern and Southern Pennine orefields for a total production exceeding 2 million tonnes .
15 ‘ In England the courts of justice are relieved from the unpleasant duty of dis-barring advocates in consequence of the power of calling to the Bar and dis-barring having been in very remote times delegated to the Inns of Court .
16 A democratic society was one in which the mass of the people played an active rather than a passive role , and in which the old traditions of deference and subordination had been replaced by a sense of equality among the people — the feeling that one man , or even one person , is as good as another , or at least has an equal right to be respected and listened to .
17 Debased , adulterated and cheapened products in which profit has been added and nutrition removed are not , the experts claim , bad in themselves .
18 There was also criticism of the Scottish system 's period of ‘ adjustments ’ by both sides after claims and defences have been lodged , which was described by another as ‘ a lot of footering about altering original positions — which could all be done a lot faster ’ .
19 In their introduction Sugden and John indicated in 1976 ( p. 1 ) that the study of glacial processes and forms had been left out in the cold and poorly understood because a gulf had arisen between those who study glaciology and those who study glacial landscape and deposits , and further that :
20 For instance , Parvin and Sabina had been given the task of measuring each other with bricks .
21 When the Treaties of Rome creating the Common Market and Euratom had been signed in 1957 , de Gaulle had criticized them and told aides that , if he came back to power , he would " destroy " them .
22 Since 1987 , the litany of successful treaties and agreements between east and west has been impressive .
23 Volunteers from both east and west have been making mercy missions to the thousands of refugess caught up in the fighting .
24 This was a further blow for Adolph Zukor ; both Arbuckle and Taylor had been under contract to him .
25 In reality , the changes may be positive for the staff , but they may be perceived as negative ( there is also the possibility that change will be negative and resistance to change is therefore a positive thing ) .
26 Places like Welwyn Garden City and Crawley have been experiencing the relentless movement of these original cohorts of migrants up the ‘ age pyramid ’ .
27 They frequently flew together in the two-seater bi-plane , covering large sections of the south coast and Keitel had been able to indulge in his interest for aerial photography .
28 Both Ter-Petrosyan and Manukyan had been imprisoned between December 1988 and May 1989 for membership of the Karabakh Committee , set up in 1988 to campaign for Armenian control of Nagorny Karabakh .
29 The attacks continued after ibuprofen and cimetidine had been stopped and recurred three days later , after chemotherapy in conjunction with intravenous dexamethasone , metoclopramide , and oral dexamethasone .
30 ‘ You never did tell me just exactly what you and Marianne had been to each other in the past . ’
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