Example sentences of "and [noun] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Capes in The Flower of the New World ( 1899 ) and F.P. Keyes The Lily and the Rose ( 1962 ) have sentimentalized her .
2 Alton lost only one of their pool matches , beating Peter Symonds 2–0 , Farnborough 2–1 and Totton 2–0 , with first year student Matt Cook scoring five of the goals and Ben Southall the other .
3 The teacher , along with their parents is one of the first to share faith with them and recognise the diversity of experience in the family and faith stories the pupils bring with them .
4 In addition to Stephen , Wilberforce represented Clapham and the Anglican evangelical veterans ; William Smith registered Unitarian liberalism and William Allen the Friends as components of the movement .
5 The fall in attendance was mentioned in the debate on the Museums and Galleries Bill the other day .
6 You could almost see Colin and Mister C developing the same kind of double act as Flavor Flav and Chuck D. The prof and the prat .
7 Colin is the first to acknowledge that he really needs Mister C. It might sound a little ridiculous , but you could almost see them developing the same kind of double act as Flavor Flav and Chuck D. The prof and the prat .
8 Through a selection of combos including Carlsbro , Ampeg , Vantage , Vox and Dean Markley the A2 came up with the goods easily .
9 The Food and Drug Administration the Food and Drug Administration condones tampering of scientific data in the pre-release trials by , we have the documentation on that , which has been a obtained under the Freedom o of Information Act .
10 F-head engines ( overhead inlet and side exhaust valves ) have one type and OHV engines the other .
11 Training and experience provide the expertise , whilst company culture and experience shape the attitudes .
12 The NIAAF recognise that with the meeting coming so early in the track and field season the next few weeks are going to be hectic , with so many of Britain 's top athletes having just returned to these shores after sunshine training abroad … so the booking of Jarrett is a tremendous ‘ start ’ .
13 After the initial failure to sell Austin Rover and Leyland Vehicles the government continued to negotiate for the sale of Leyland Bus , which was to have been sold to the Laird Group , the second largest UK bus manufacturer .
14 In M. racheliae and M. cassini the nest is built by a female and a multi-male party of two or three individuals .
15 Rebecca Murphy won the under-15 girls with 5.28 metres and Jan Irving the under-17 boys with 6.80 metres .
16 Around each bend , a new configuration of arches , pillars , temples , cathedrals and amphitheatres peels into view , eroded rock forms which geologists have sought to describe in architectural terms , but which in scale and complexity dwarf the largest creations of man .
17 I 'm thinking of people like Jean Krell who co-ran Granny Takes A Trip the painter Humphrey Ocean and Bernard Rhodes the friend of Malcolm 's who went on to manage The Clash .
18 Terisio Pignatti is covering Veronese ; Françoise Viatte and Roger Rearick the later drawings , and Francesco Valcanover the last phase of Titian 's life .
19 After further piloting of appropriate curriculum and assessment materials the Secretary of State intimated in 1982 that there would be a phased implementation of the proposals , beginning in August 1984 .
20 On Aug. 6 David Levi , the Israeli Foreign Minister , gave the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee the details of a series of " understandings " with the USA which had been the basis of Israel 's conditional assent to attend the conference .
21 ‘ What 's more , Charlie Trumper comes with the deal , the finest fruit and vegetable man the East End has ever seen . ’
22 BARLEY AND VEGETABLE SOUP The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time : 40 minutes or so is all that 's needed for a cheering bowl of soup from all-fresh ingredients .
23 Giving banks and building societies the right to handle conveyancing might not make the service cheaper , but the competition should mean that it was done better .
24 There 's an open plan dining room , and Herr Wagner the friendly owner does the cooking himself .
25 Erm right so the we agree to delegate to the F and G P the of the existing lease and the taking on of a new lease underlease for the coffee room , tea room operators .
26 ‘ I do n't want to pry , Claudia , but it does n't need a genius to know something went wrong between you and Roman Wyatt the other night , and every instinct I have tells me it 's something to do with Dana . ’
27 ‘ The commercial aspects are very good , of course — though I still find the teaching and research spin-offs the most exciting part of it all , ’ says Dr Jones .
28 For purposive reading and for textbooks and research material the author 's credentials are generally to be found on the title page or in publishers ' promotional material .
29 The multiplier process would apply to additional investment expenditures also , but with both exports and investment expenditures the government has little direct control over the size of these flows .
30 Just as Teddy itself was a diminutive of Theodore as in Roosevelt ( or was it Edward , King of England ? ) , so we began to hear of Charles Lindbear and Wilbear Wright the pioneer bearaviators .
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