Example sentences of "and [being] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 The Maltese government has repeatedly denied allegations that the suitcase bomb that blew up flight 103 originated in Malta , travelling on an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt and being transferred to the Pan Am flight .
2 The final version keyword access , with pupils selecting keywords from questions they Fig. 5.3 have posed as a group and being referred to specific questions in the main body of each record .
3 Having a senior member of the management team actively involved in analysing attendance and being seen to be taking action was an important aspect .
4 Although a lot of his story is still relevant to us cos you can see it in today 's life when people stand up for themselves or stand up for their faith or what they believe in and you look around you , you can see violence and being done to them .
5 The effect of meeting Shankar and being exposed to Indian music was immediate .
6 I thought that a smacked bottom and being sent to bed very early that evening was hardly just reward for aping my elders .
7 It is organized as a community with people frequently meeting together and being connected to each other in lots of different ways .
8 Then it 's a night on the town watching Cats ( the musical , that is ! ) and being treated to a slap-up dinner at the Players Theatre .
9 Imagine using your mouse to press a button labelled Mozart and being treated to a near CD quality reproduction of ‘ Eine kleine Nachtmusik ’ whilst looking at , for example , the score or maybe watching a digital tour of Strasbourg .
10 Atmosphere , feeling worthwhile and being stretched to the full are greatly influenced by the attitudes and consequent operational politics introduced by those who manage the operation .
11 Twenty minutes later I 'm dressed again and being directed to another department for the bone-marrow expiration .
12 Cramer still smarted from having the primacy in the handling of the negotiation process removed from his control at all , and being confined to the investigation .
13 I well recall one tough Yorkshire girl who was on drugs at the time , coming to a service where I was preaching , and being pierced to the heart by a throwaway line I had never intended saying , about God hardening Pharaoh 's heart .
14 They have failed to score in their last three matches , all at home , losing two in the League and being held to a 0-0 draw in the Cup .
15 Testing the efficiency of strikes , kicks and punches by directing them at bricks and tiles is a standard requirement for passing a grade and being promoted to the next level of proficiency .
16 There was much running of baths , rushing about with garments , laughter on the stairs and in the bedrooms ; telephoning of florist for more button-holes ; small boys trying to help and being urged to be careful .
17 The Soviet Authorities seem to be playing a slightly odd game , they 're putting out information through a TAS er press agency release that says that everybody 's back on the ship and being taken to Murmansk where an enquiry will be held .
18 Well he knows that his views may not necessarily be the majority and count in the end , but at least they 're being taken into account and being considered to be important .
19 And being married to David made up for a great many afternoon teas and Women 's Institute meetings .
20 Now she was on her way to see a second cousin , who had the double misfortune of being a cripple and being married to a horrible man .
21 Blood islands appear in the extra-embryonic mesoderm lining the visceral yolk sac and by the 10th day a complex yolk sac circulation is established , blood entering the visceral yolk sac via the omphalomesenteric artery ( Figure 1e ) and being returned to the heart in the omphalomesenteric vein .
22 In all you say about parents and children living in sweet sympathy and perfect knowledge of each other , in freedom of speech , comrades , friends confiding in each other , telling all and being listened to , and taught , in all this I entirely and wholly agree .
23 For families who are distressed and sad , talking and being listened to will help .
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