Example sentences of "and [Wh pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Before that it had belonged to Mr Surtees Raine , who was head of a private school at Norton , and who lived there from about the outbreak of the 1939–45 War .
2 He was replaced in an acting capacity by his arch-rival , the anti-communist Croatian Stipe Mesic , who had hitherto been Deputy President and who had anyway been due to succeed Jovic in May 1991 .
3 Wheeler , who was junior to them both , who had contrived to have the best set of rooms in the office and who had successfully requested both men to wait on him , cleared his throat to announce that he was ready to start the discussion .
4 On Nov. 13 , 1990 , the government announced that 7,000 Romanians whose asylum applications had been turned down and who had neither shelter nor work would be returned to Romania ( while another 3,000 had found work and would be allowed to remain ) .
5 What is remarkable is that the initiative here was taken by the High Anglican clergy , who should have been the natural allies of the Stuart monarchy , and who had staunchly defended James 's title to the throne during the Exclusion Crisis .
6 There were German Catholics in Pomerania , Protestant Poles in Mazuria ; there were large numbers of ethnic Poles and Kaszubians in both the southern districts of East Prussia and in Pomerania who spoke German rather than Polish and who had even Germanised their family names .
7 Daughter of a Spanish nobleman who had been an officer in the army of Napoleon I , and who had also held a post as Court Chamberlain , Eugénie had grown up in an atmosphere which was hopeful of , and sympathetic to , a Bonapartist restoration , her father having always remained faithful to the Bonaparte dynasty .
8 To our church came such spiritual giants as Rev Reginald Barlett of Samoa , and the South Seas , Miss Mabel Shaw of Mbershi , whose adopted daughter is helping with modern Zambia , a housewoman from Dr Ida Scudder 's hospital at Velore , central India and a missionary from China who knew about the conditions there and in Hong Kong , and who had also met Toyohiko Kagawa of Japan and knew that , in very truth , this son of a Geisha and who knows who , was a world figure , now pleading at the League of Nations for more attention to World Health than to armaments .
9 Their father , Oliver P. Bernard , the theatre designer who had worked at Covent Garden and the Boston Opera House and who had also designed Art Deco interiors for Lyons restaurants , had died insolvent , thereby terminating his sons ' education and obliging them to look for work .
10 However , what all three painters learnt from Cubism , largely through Delaunay , was the means of organizing a canvas in terms of interacting and transparent facets or planes , which could be made to suggest movement and depth , while preserving the unity of the picture-plane ; Chagall , another painter whose work was known and admired in Germany , and who had also flirted briefly with both Cubism and Orphism , acknowledged a [ 31 ] similar debt to Cubist painting .
11 Walker , who apart from the Prime Minister herself ( Margaret Thatcher ) and Sir Geoffrey Howe was the only remaining member of the Conservative Cabinet formed in 1979 ( and who had also been a member of Edward Heath 's Cabinet in 1970-74 ) , had for a considerable time been regarded as in many ways out of sympathy with certain aspects of Thatcher 's political philosophy .
12 Most of Rory 's pals in London were in the International Marxist Croup , but here he was ; wandering the hills with an upper class dingbat who just happened to be married to his sister and who lived for huntin' , shootin' and fishin' ( and seemed to spend the absolute minimum amount of time in his castle with his wife ) , and who had just last year rationalised half the work force in the glass factory out of a job .
13 Sinan ( Emir Hasan ) , who appears to have served continuously from 959/1552 to Shawwal 964/August 1557 and who had previously been kadi of Aleppo : It is worth noting that the kadiliks in the list are divided into two distinct grades — though if Hezarfen is right , they do not seem to correspond , at least in the way one would expect , to " 300- and 500-akce " kadiliks — and it is no$ impossible that the order as given above represents the order of precedence , with Istanbul at the top and Baghdad at the bottom .
14 Matthew Cooper , for example , got there on only one game , a 23-points feast against Ireland at Athletic Park , and at the expense of his older brother Greg who played the four earlier tests and who had long prospered in Mains ' Otago side .
15 In the survey , an unemployed person is defined as anyone aged fifteen and over who was not employed during the week before the interview and who had actually looked for full-time or part-time work .
16 And who had still achieved peace of mind .
17 It was spotted by William Robertson , then aged 20 , a deaf man who had been educated at the Aberdeen School for the Deaf , and who had only been at sea for one year .
18 The haemorrhage was successfully treated and prolonged freedom from bleeding achieved in all patients except 1 whose haemorrhage was caused by diffuse gastric infiltration with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and who had only short-term relief .
19 Since his arrest in England , he had married a 16 year old girl who was pregnant by him and who had now had a child .
20 The only survivor I interviewed who had not married and who had always worked , told me that she had only once been unemployed , for a period of 6 months , when she got a temporary job selling insurance .
21 So with Amyas 's long , damp fingers pressed against her eyes , Jennifer was led stumbling into the passage , and on the way up to the house Sir Gregory tried to think how he was going to pacify his wife , who had never been able to forgive him for his infidelity and who had always resented the presence of his bastard 's daughter under her roof when she came to hear Mass .
22 These high-ranking bureaucrats , of whom there were normally two or three at any one time and who had always long practical experience of international relations , controlled the day-to-day working of the machinery of French diplomacy and were of critical importance to its effectiveness .
23 He was going to have to admit he loved her and could n't live without her , and that was a hard thing for a man who had always been one hundred per cent in control , and who had always been one hundred per cent independent , and one hundred per cent rational , to do .
24 The owner of Manhattan 's most famous disco , Studio 54 , Rubell was the man who breakfasted on Coca-Cola and Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies and who had once claimed , proudly : ‘ It 's like I ca n't sleep .
25 The most obvious , though inadequate , analogy I could think of for my situation was to be a light-skinned black person who identified with white people all her life , who had ‘ passed ’ as a white person for years and who had suddenly discovered the reality of Black Power .
26 They remarked on the personal service , from the same senior consultant whom they had first met , comparing them with a larger firm who had acted in a heavy-handed way towards them and who had subsequently sent a junior consultant actually to handle the work , after they had dealt with the most senior partner at the beginning .
27 Her ultimate choice was surprising , for Philippe Le Bas was the son of a man who had sat in the Convention of 1793 and who had never renounced the republican ethos in which his father had brought him up .
28 Of the remaining 40 women who did not currently smoke and who had never smoked at least 10 cigarettes a day , only 12 ( 30% ) had oncogenic papillomavirus .
29 I believe that the shop in those days belonged to a Mr Chatto , who was youngish and obliging and who seemed permanently to by pushing through an avalanche of books .
30 The only light he could see was in the lobby , and the only person in the lobby was an anxious girl with a clipboard who was waiting to greet him personally , and who seemed personally grateful for his skill in getting himself found and driven there by the company 's chauffeur .
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